The Blood of Jesus #2

Romans 3:22-26


Introduction: In chapters three, four and five of Romans lay a mighty foundation for the truth of righteousness by faith in the Blood of Jesus.


I.               Review the benefits.

A.    Benefits in the shed Blood of Jesus

1.     Redemption - - 1 Peter 1:18-19

2.     Forgiveness of sin - - Hebrews 9:22

3.     Cleansing - -  1 John 1:7

4.     Justification - - Romans 5:9

5.     Reconciliation - - Romans 3:25

6.     Sanctification - - Hebrews 13:12

7.     Peace - - Colossians 1:20

8.     Approach to God - - Hebrews 10:19

9.     Eternal inheritance - - Hebrews 9:12

10.  Healing - - 1 Peter 2:24

11.  Salvation - - Romans 10:9-10

B.    In accepting these scriptures, two powerful things happen:

1.     Our faith grows.  Romans 10:17

2.     We then recognize the object of our faith.

a.     It is the Blood of Jesus that purchased our salvation.

b.     Establishes our faith in the Blood of Jesus

c.     Now we have established the object and foundation of our faith in the Blood of Jesus.

C.   Two important scriptures to include.

1.     1 Corinthians 2:5

a.     Faith in the Power of God

b.     As we praise and worship we exalt and magnify the Power of God.

c.     Think on the greatness of creation.

d.     His opening the Red sea

e.     His stopping the sun in response to Joshua’s prayer.

f.      His raising Jesus from the dead

g.     YES, my faith is in the Power of God.

2.     Faith in the Name of Jesus.  Acts 3:16

a.     The cripple man healed in the Name of Jesus.

b.     YES, my faith is in the mighty Name of Jesus.


II.          Faith and Blood – Romans 3:25

A.    How does man find favor with God?

1.     More praying and fasting?

2.     More works, sacrifices?

B.    No, God’s favor is not a prize to be won, but a gift to be accepted.

C.   Not of our moral goodness or of good works, but:

1.     God’s kindness was given to us in the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2.     Accepting His kindness results in Salvation.

Romans 10:9-10

3.     This is Justification by Faith - - Romans 5:9


III.       Three definitions that will help us understand more clearly these mighty truths.

1.     Righteousness - - The act of doing right, a sound moral basis, the quality of being righteous, just or rightful.

2.     Justification - - The act by which a sinner is freed through faith from the penalty of his sin and is accepted by God as righteous.

3.     Propitiation - - To win or regain the good will of, appease or to win over, to reconcile [mercy seat] [Jesus became our substitute]

A.    What is it about Jesus Christ that I should put my faith in?

1.     Grounded in His virgin birth?

2.     His holy life?

3.     His miracles preformed?

B.    Of First Importance - - 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

1.     The death, burial, and resurrection


IV.        The specific object – faith and blood.  Romans 3:21-26

A.    Vs 25 - - The object of faith is indeed the Blood of Jesus Christ.

1.     What propitiation means - - God was:

a.     Favorably inclined

b.     Conciliated - - to win over

c.     Appeased - - [mercy seat]

d.     By sending His Son to die for us

B.    A simple paraphrase of these verses:

  Vs. 21: Jesus, the righteousness of God, was manifested in the flesh as foretold.

  Vs 22: This righteousness of God comes to us by faith in Jesus Christ.

  Vs. 23: Our sinful nature has separated us from God.

  Vs. 24:  We are justified freely by the grace of God.  How?  Through the redemption that came by Jesus Christ.

  Vs. 25:  How did the redemption come?  God sent Jesus to be a propitiation {Jesus would turn aside God’s wrath by taking upon Himself our sinful nature}. 




Vs. 26:  God is just.  This we all acknowledge.  And so are all who believe in Jesus.

C.   What we still must believe.

1.     Jesus’ virgin birth

2.     His many miracles, each one recorded

3.     Faith in His holy life

D.   Our redemption is in His Blood

1.     Without the shedding of blood.  Hebrews 9:22

2.     Apart from ‘blood shedding’ forgiveness does not come.

3.     Justified - - Romans 5:9


Conclusion: So the scriptures plainly states, for our redemption we  must put our faith in the shed Blood of Jesus.  It is to become the object and the foundation of our faith.


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