Covenant for Today

1 Corinthians 6:19-20


Introduction: A lesson that we need to know about is being in Covenant with one another, the Church, and with Jesus Christ our Lord.


I. Some background on covenant.

  A. What it really means - some examples and definitions.

  B. Blood: 1. the fluid that circulates in the principle vascular system of man and other

      vertebrates. 2. the vital principle; life.

      Blood brother: 1. a person’s brother by birth. 2. a male person bound to another 

      by ties of great friendship. 3. a male bound to another male by a special ritual,

      usually  the commingling of blood.

     Covenant: 1. an agreement, usually formal, between two or more persons to do or

     not to do something specified. 2. the conditional promises made to man by God, as

     revealed in the Scripture.



    1. Some are made without blood.

      a. Example:  In Zimbabwe, use of car, ECT.

      b. No question asked, just take it and go.

    2. Another example from Norseland.

      a. Rite of blood - friendship

      b. Caused by cut in hand to cause flow of blood to intermingle.

      c. This was while they were under sod.

      d. Being buried together as two, to arise as one.

      e. One life, one soul, with a common life in two bodies.

  B. So Covenant between man and God is established.

    1. What ever God has belongs to us.

    2. What ever we have belongs to Him.

    3. Romans 8:16-17, 32

    4. We become heirs of God.


II. David’s covenant with Jonathan.  1 Samuel 18:1-4

  A. In our culture, Blood Covenant doesn’t mean much.

    1. Verses to explain their covenant.  Vs 1-4

        “Jonathan swore to be his Blood Brother and sealed the pact by giving him

         his robe, sword, bow, and belt. [Living Bible]

    2. The giving and exchange

    3. They became blood brothers

    4. The extending of the covenant.  1 Samuel 20:16-17,

    5. Covenant with the House of David forever.  Vs 42


III. Me-phip-o-sheth  -  2 Samuel 9:

  A. David recalls his covenant with Jonathan and the “House of Saul”.

    1. He was to honor it for Jonathan’s sake.

  B. 2 Samuel 9:1-5

    1. That scar in David’s hand reminded him of the covenant with Jonathan.

      a. David called for information. Vs 1

      b. Ziba answered - Vs 3

      c. David sent for Jonathan’s son, from Lo-debar.  Vs 5

  C. Me-phib-o-sheth is brought to David.  Vs 6

    1. David’s response to him.  Vs 7

    2. His response to David.  Vs 8

    3. David gave to him all that Saul had. Vs 9

      a. This is covenant.  Vs 13

  D. Look at what covenant produced.

    1. Me-pheb-o-sheth called himself “a dead dog’.

    2. David considered him as “as one of the king’s sons”.

      a. What if?  He had thought this was trick, or said “I don’t believe this“.

      b. “I will go back to the desert, live in poverty in Lo-debar.”

    2. Thank God, he believed and died to that old life and took up a new residence.

      a. Entered into a new and radical life style.

      b. Changed from rags to riches.

    3. Note: Without covenant, David could have sent him back to Lo-debar.

      a. No way under the covenant that was made, could David send him back.

      b. Me-pheb-o-sheth had a right because of the covenant.

      c. Remember, the covenant was ‘forever’.


IV.  The New Testament, Covenant in my Blood.

  A. As Me-pheb-o-sheth was under a blood covenant, so are we.

    1. Just as Me-pheb-o-sheth was in Jonathan, we are  in Christ.

    2. Whether we accept or reject, we are under a blood covenant.

    3. We are a covenant people whether we know it or not.

      a. Whether we believe it or not.

  B. God entered a “BLOOD COVENANT” with the human race.

    1. This was done through Jesus Christ.

    2. God did it because He loved us.

    3. We enter this covenant relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

    4. Jesus did it because He loved us so.

    5. Now, this covenant is everlasting.

    6. We can enter into this covenant relationship with God through

        Jesus Christ our Lord.


Conclusion: This is the ultimate covenant, one made with God through Jesus Christ and His shed blood.  No other way to be saved except by the Blood of Jesus.  One must accept the Blood of Jesus as the cleansing, saving element of our faith.  Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness.

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