Faith and the Blood

1 Corinthians 13:13


Introduction: What if we went around saying “I have love”, “I have hope”, “I have faith”.  The point is, what is the object of our faith, love, and hope?  We all say “I have faith, but do we really understand and know the object of our faith?  Faith, love and hope all need an object.


I. Object of our HOPE.

  A. Scriptural examples of HOPE having an object.

    1. Christ in you, the hope of glory,  Colossians 1:27

    2. Lord Jesus Christ - - - which is our hope,  1Timothy 1:1

    3. Our blessed hope,  Titus 2:13

  B. Not all scriptural references to HOPE tells us the object of hope.

    1.These instructs and points to the object. [Jesus]

    2. Knowing the object of my HOPE strengthens the foundation.


II. Objects of our LOVE.

  A. Three examples of LOVE with an object.

    1. 1Corinthians 2:9,  Love Him, God

    2. 2Corinthians 5:14,  Love of Christ Jesus

    3. Colossians 3:19,  Love your wives  {husbands}

  B. Each expresses different objects for LOVE.

    1. Now my love has focus, an object.

    2. Ephesians 3:19,  We can say “I have love”

    3. By this our LOVE has a direction to flow.

    4. Then our LOVE becomes more believable to you and to others.


III. Objects of our FAITH.

  A. If our love and hope have objects, faith must too.

    1. What should be the object of my faith?

      a. When we say “I have faith”, in what?

    2. In God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God

      a. Mark 11:22,  in God

      b. Galatians 3:26,  in Christ Jesus

      c. 1Corinthians 12:9,  in the same Spirit

      d. Romans 10:17,  the Word of God

    3. Let these be the objects of our FAITH.

  B. Considering FAITH, asking “Faith in what”?   Hebrews 11:6

    1. We answered WHO, now WHAT?

      a. John 1:14

        1. Equates the Living Word with the Written Word in the person of Jesus.

        2.To study and meditate the Word is to know God.

        3. Jesus’ personality is revealed in the Written Word and the Living Word.

      b. Romans 10:17

        1. Our FAITH comes and is developed by hearing the Word.

        2. Now my FAITH is in the Word of God.

        3. It now has become my OBJECT of FAITH

  C. Of first importance.  1Corinthians 15:3-4 [NIV]

    1. Christ’ death, burial, and resurrection are called “OF FIRST IMPORTANCE”

    2. Some other translations:

      “First thing I taught”

      “For at the very beginning of my teaching, I gave you the account which I myself


      “For I reported to you the all-important fact which also I had been taught.”

    3. Galatians 1:11-12,  Paul by revelation of the Spirit.

      a. “That Christ died for our sins” 

      b. Importance of the BLOOD, the object and foundation of our FAITH.



  A. A deeper understanding of what it means to “plead the blood”.

    1. There are many scriptures revealing what the blood has provided for us.

  B. Is amazing what the BLOOD provided.

    1.  Redemption - - 1Peter 1:18-9

 a. Purchase back something that has been lost. A ransom or paid price.

    2. Forgiveness of sins - - - Hebrews 9:22

    3. Cleansing - - - 1John 1:7

    4. Justification - - - Rom 5:9

      a. Pardon of all sins, claims of the law are satisfied.  Act of a Judge.

    5. Reconciliation - - - Romans 3:25 [TCNT]

      a. A change from enmity to friendship.  A change wrought in both parties.

          [A sinner ceases to be an enemy to God by wicked works] yields self up

    6. Sanctification - - - Hebrews 13:12

      a. Is the caring on to perfection the work of regeneration

    7. Peace - - - Colossians 1:19-20

    8. Approach to God - - - Hebrews 10:19

    9. Eternal inheritance - - - Hebrews 9:12

    10. Healing - - - 1Peter 2:24

  C. In all these verses, the Blood of Jesus  is linked to each benefit.

    1. Ours when we confess Jesus as Lord.  Romans 10:9-10

    2. Our salvation was purchased by the blood.

    3. The blood now becomes the OBJECT, THE FOUNDATION  OF OUR FAITH, in the

         BLOOD OF JESUS.


Conclusion: Never doubt or minimize the Power of the Blood.  We are not to forget the power of God, nor neglect the power of the Name of Jesus.  All these combine to give us unlimited power in the God kind of Faith .

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