Seven Last Words

The Seven Last Sayings of Jesus

Luke 23:32-49


Introduction: As we look at these seven last words, some carry more meaning for us today.  When we hear the words “It Is Finished”, a shout of praise rises up on the inside of us.  The Old Covenant was fulfilled and His shed blood ratified the New Covenant, our salvation was secured in heaven, we have been redeemed, bought back.


I.                   The Crucifixion

A.    This was the cruelest type of execution of that day.

1.      A long, lingering death, sometimes taking days.


II.                The first three words

A.    The first words were spoken between 9 AM and 12 noon.

1.      Father forgive them

2.      Woman behold thy Son

3.      Today you will be with me in paradise

B.    The last four words were spoken between 12 noon and 3 PM

   4. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

   5. I thirst

   6. It is finished

   7. Father, into Thy hands I commend my Spirit


III.             The words spoken; “Father, forgive them” Luke 23:34

A.    In Jesus’ time of great suffering and shame, He only had compassion.

1.      He was asking His Father, the God of the universe, to forgive them.

2.      He said, “They don’t know what they are doing”

3.      They had not accepted Jesus as Messiah

4.      They did not realize the evil they were committing.

5.      Jesus had compassion on them all.


IV.              “Woman behold thou Son”, John 19:26

A.    Jesus was concerned for His mother, both temporal and eternal.

1.      The disciple was John

2.      He just told John to take care of His mother


V.                 “Today thou shall be with me in paradise”, Luke 23:40-42

A.    The repentant thief, a picture of true repentance

1.      He said he feared God

2.      Accepted Jesus as righteous

3.      He asked Jesus to remember him

B.    Jesus’ answer, “ Today, you will be with me - - - -” GLORY!

1.      They were to enter paradise together

2.      They were the last ones to ever enter paradise


VI.              Jesus had been on the cross for three hours.  Matthew 27: 45-56

A.    This time was from 9Am until 12 noon

1.      The next time sequence is from 12 noon until 3 PM

B.    Several important events happened in these next three hours.

1.      All the demons of hell thought they had the victory.

2.      But this was Messiah’s greatest triumph, the cross

3.      The terrifying darkness that began at noon.

4.      There was a mysterious cry, Vs 46-49

5.      The great shout of triumph and yielding up the Spirit, Vs 50

6.      The great veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom Vs 51

7.      The terrifying earthquake, Vs 51

8.      The resurrection of many Saints, Vs 52-53

9.      The Centurions confession, Vs 54

1.      A supernatural darkness hung over the land for three hours.

a.      Think for a moment who that was hanging on that cross.

1.      God’s only Son, the Lord of all.  Col. 1:16

2.      The great Architect and Creator of the whole universe

b.      What was He doing on that cross?

1.      He was baring the sins for all men

2.      He was bearing the judgment and wrath of God against sin for all men.

3.      He was dying the death for all men

4.      He was freeing man from the debt of sin, death, and judgment so they might live forever.

c.       What the depth of God’s plan is.  Romans 11:33-36

d.      The darkness demonstrated and symbolized several things.

1.    Those around realized Jesus was the Son of God

2.    All mouths were stopped, no jeering or mocking for a while

3.    The darkness symbolized the darkest day in human history.

4.    Darkness symbolizes sin

5.    Symbolizes the darkness of the human soul and its works

6.    Symbolizes the withdrawal of the light of God’s presence from sin.

a.    Christ hung on the cross as a sinner, all for us, the One who was becoming sin for us.  2Corinthians 5:21

7.    Darkness symbolizes the anger of God at sin.

a.    Darkness deserves judgment

b.    Sin deserves no light from God’s presence

2.      The fourth cry from the cross.  Vs 46

a.      This was the great separation; the moment God forsook Christ His Son.

b.      God had withdrawn His presence

c.       God had withdrawn His deliverance

d.      But now, hanging on a cross, God had forsaken Him.

e.      He was all alone

f.        Why? Because He was bearing the curse of God, the curse of separation.

g.      The curse of judgment and condemnation of God against sin.

h.      Jesus sensed that God’s life and holiness had left Him

i.        He had been delivered into the hands of the enemies of life and holiness, into the hands of sin and death.

j.        He was made sin for us and had to die

k.      Sin and death were foreign to God

l.        Sin and death stood as enemies of God


3.      Fifth cry from the cross, “I thirst” John 19:28

a.      Psalm 69:21

4.      The sixth and seventh cry can be almost together. 

a.      It is finished and into thy hands - - - -

b.      John 19:30,   Luke 23:46

c.       He gave up the ghost, he gave up His spirit

d.      We must remember that Jesus gave up His life willingly.

e.      The spear: Two ordnances – baptism and the Lords supper

f.        The water and the blood.  Titus 3:4-5,  1John 1:7

5.      “It is finished” “Father, into thy hands - - - “

a.      The great shout of triumph!

b.      Three important points here:

1.    A victorious shout, He had finished, completed His work, mission.

2.    Yielded up the ghost, willingly gave up the Spirit. Luke 23:46

3.    One the cross,  Colosians 2:15

4.    On the cross after death,  1Peter 3:18-20

5.    After death,  Ephesians 4:8-10

                6. Jesus died at the ninth hour. [3PM]

a.    This was the time of the evening sacrifice of the Passover Lamb.

b.    While they were about to sacrifice the symbolic lamb, the True Lamb, was being sacrificed for the peoples sin outside the city walls.

c.     The veil was rent from top to bottom, opening a direct access to the Holy of Holies.  Hebrews 10:19-23

                7. Two last events that took place

a.      An earthquake;

b.      Shook because of the weight on the architect and creator

c.       This symbolized a fatal blow to Satan

d.      Stirring a waiting for that glorious day of redemption

                8. Believers resurrected, about five hundred.  Matthew 27:52

a.      Opened during the earthquake

b.      Symbolized the conquest of death by Christ

c.       Strengthen faith in the resurrection


Conclusion: The Centurions statement is one we must all make daily. Truly Jesus is the Son of God.  We must all confess that Jesus is Lord and He is the Savior of our souls. 

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