(This is No. 178 in the Praise & Worship Series.)

Introduction: Last week we demonstrated with the dance praise and worship. Today will not be quite as demonstrative, but with just as much enthusiasm.

II. Being silent before the Lord.

    A. A complete contrast to the sounds of joy and music.
      1. Different expressions from dancing, shouting, etc. Ecclesiastes 3:7
        a. Don't be afraid of silence.
        b. Sometimes the Holy Spirit will bring a Holy Hush in a congregation.
        c. When this happens it becomes profound and eloquent.
        d. There is a great sense of awe and reverence.
        e. A time to silently sit before the Lord, contemplating, adoring and worshipping Him. Psalms 46:10
III. Weeping

    A. Weeping can be a legitimate response of praise to God.
      1. This is not of sorrow or heartache, but of gratitude and thanks-giving.
      2. As we meditate on His greatness and goodness, it is only appropriate to weep tears of gratitude.
    B. This is not a weakness, but a tenderness toward God.
      1. Weeping can often bring a deep release or liberation.
    C. Weeping is not to be abused. [some do for show)
      2. Weeping sometimes reveals a deep need for inner healing.
    D. Example of weeping. Nehemiah 8:10.
      1. He stopped their weeping, now put on joy.

IV. Laughter

    A. There is such a thing as "Holy Laughter"
      1. Not a response to something funny or humorous.
      2. It is an expression of heightened joy to the Lord.
      a. The only way to express It Is through laughter. Luke 6:21
      3. The Children of Israel experienced this upon their return from captivity. Psalm 126:2
      4. Job 8:20-21

V. Marching

    A. God says at times "Get up and march".
    B. Several examples in the Bible.
      1. Joshua 6:2-5
      a. Many walls will fall when we obey.
      2. Jehosaphat = 2 Chronicles 20:20-22
    C. When God has prompted a "march~ for a cause, these have amazing results.
      1. Walls of bondage, pride and bitterness will come tumbling down.
    D. The Bride of Christ is pictured as an army marching forward together. Song of Solomon 6:4, 10

IV. Rejoicing = Now we can shout.

    A. The attitude we are to come into the House of God with.
    B. Nehemiah came Into the kings presence with a sad face. Nehemiah 2:1-5
      1. The king knew something was drastically wrong.
      2. Nehemiah quickly explained the reason for the sadness.
      3. It had nothing to do with the king.
    C. NOTE: No one dared to come into the king's presence with a sad face and manner.
      1. How many Christians come before the King of kings with a mournful disposition, sad of face, etc.?
      2. To do so is an insult to God.
      3. This is to say "We are not satisfied with our lot under your rule".
    D. The proper way to enter is with REJOICING!
      1. This says we are happy and pleased.
      2. We are thankful for the honor He has bestowed on us.
    E. There is a place where He can meet with us. Deuteronomy 12:11-12

      1. A place to come in rejoicing. Psalm 100:4
      2. Enter rejoicing, expressing thanksgiving and praise.
        a. Sad that so many have Instilled the idea that reverence is solemnity, quietness and soberness.
        b. Some say joy expressed aloud Is the height of Irreverence. SO UNTRUE!
      3. Christians should be the most joyful people in the community.
        a. Their praise, clapping, raising hands, dancing, etc.
        b. In our praise we should reflect the true nature of God.

      4. Instead, many people are repelled by the coldness and dreariness.
        a. Services so cold, solemn and heavy, so stiff and conformed.
        b. All church is a ritual and a religious service one performs.
      5. Rejoicing in the Lord will cause us to be much more relaxed in God's presence.
        a. Less formality and more reality.
        b. Our aim is to brighten up the atmosphere around us.
        c. If we are the light of the world, then let's let our light shine.
      6. Remember the Greek word "AGALLIA", translated 'rejoice' meaning to "jump for joy"; "to rejoice exceedingly"; "to be exceedingly glad"; "with exceeding joy".
        a. An expression of joy, free, uninhibited, spontaneous and expressive.
        b. So free is might cause us jump, twirl, skip, leap for joy with child like delight.

    Conclusion: Expressions of praise are worth while only if they are true expressions from the heart.


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