PSALM 50:23

(This is #180 in the Praise & Worship Series)

Introduction: The Sacrifice of Praise is something we have to determine to do within ourselves. This is not spontaneous, but out of our depths. This type of praise takes determination.

I. We must determine we are going to praise God.

II. The meaning of praise and worship.

    A. What is worship, praise?
      1. To praise is to speak well of, express admiration for, to compliment, to commend, to congratulate, to applaud, to eulogize, to extol.
      2. To Worship is to express reverence, to have a sense of awe, to bow low before the object of worship and make obeisance.
      3. Worship is the highest form of praise.
      a. We begin to with praise and move into worship
    B. Worship is first an attitude of the heart.
      1. Begins with a depth of meditation upon the greatness of God.
      2. A great respect and awe for the Almighty.
    C. Worship is an overflow.
      1. An overflow of our thoughts an emotions.
      2. A time our cup of joy, emotions just come out of our inner most being spontaneously. Psalm 23:5.
    D. Worship Is an outpouring.

      1. A time when the soul just "just pours out" in deep reverence, awe, wonder and adoration.

III. The first Biblical Reference to Worship. Genesis 22:1-6

    A. One of the principles of Bible interpretation is the Law of First Mention.
      1. The first mention or reference to a word or subject gives clear indication of its importance.
      2. The when, what and where will indicate to us how important the subject is.
      3. It is the key to understanding the importance of the word or subject throughout the Scripture.
    B. The first occurrence of the word worship is in Genesis 22:5
      1. The Hebrew word is SHACHAH (shaw kaw), meaning:
      a. To prostrate in homage to royalty or God.
      b. To bow down.
      c. Crouch or fall down in worship.
    C. Let's examine what Abraham did when he worshipped.
      1. God commanded Abraham to go and worship.
      a. Praise and worship is not an option which we may decide to do or not to do.
      b. It is not a whim of ours, it is a command from God.
      e. Every Child of God is to be a Praiser and a Worshiper of God.
      2. Abraham's response was one of obedience.
      a. This obedience was essential to his Covenant relationship to God.
      b. Abraham and God had entered Covenant together.
      c. Absolute obedience and commitment to God was essential. [Same with us when we get saved] []esus' blood sealed it for us]
      d. God was demanding Abraham's most loved possession, his son Isaac
      3. The Act of Worship is a costly one.
      a. This Act of Worship would cost Abraham his best and highest offering
      b. It truly was a "Sacrifice of Praise". Hebrews 13:15
      c. Romans 12:1-2 Demands all we have, a complete surrender.
      d. David knew. 2 Samuel 24:24 "Shall I offer to God that which cost me nothing"
      4. The Act of Worship is an act of FAITH.
      a. Every step Abraham took that day was in absolute faith in God.
      b. As he ascended up Mt. Moriah to offer Isaac, faith arose within that God was going to provide. Genesis 22:5
      c. How? Even if God had to raise up the ashes.
      5. The surrender of self.
      a. Not only was Abraham prepared to give Isaac, but all he had.
      b. His future was tied to that boy.
      c. The boy was God's promise to him.
      d. To enter into true worship, we must completely surrender all to God.
      6. Praise glorifies God. Psalm 50:23
      a. Abraham's costly Act of Worship glorified God.
      b. Consider God's heart toward Abraham, seeing him willing to sacrifice his Son of Promise.
      7. The worshipper is also blessed.
      a. Note God's pleasure toward Abraham because of his obedience. Genesis 22:16-18
    D. The anointing of lesus' feet by Mary is a beautiful type of worship. John 12:3
      1. Note: everywhere she went people were aware of the aroma.
      a. So it is with true worshipers, their lives carry a sweet fragrance wherever they go.
      b. It is the fragrance of the presence of the Lord!

Conclusion: When we worship God, it must be done in spirit and truth. Our spirit uniting with the Spirit of God in true worship.


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