Praise and Worship

Power to Proclaim

Isaiah 61:2


Introduction: Last week we saw what praise would do in the face of the enemy.  Today we will see what praise will do when our faith in our words of praise is spoken.  We will see how the enemy will flee when God fights our battle in the heavenly realm.


I. Here is a great example from World War II.

  A. The Battle for Britain was under way.  Dunkirk.

    1. Night after night German bombers came, air raid sirens sounded, London was


    2. Germany was preparing to add England to there empire.

  B. Winston Churchill called for a “A Day of Prayer”, September 8, 1940.

    1. This was just one of many that was called.

 2. A minister, Rees Howells, was holding a midday prayer service.

      a. Air raid! Just as he was going to speak.

      b. There was a tremendous air fight going on overhead.

      c. Instead of running for shelter, they just stood and prayed and praised God

         for protection, deliverance and total victory.

      d. They gave SHOUTS of VICTORY, not of fear and defeat.

   C. Churchill wrote in his “War Memories” this account:

     1. I went into the Air Operations Room and asked what were our reserves?

     2. Their reply, “All we have is in the air now; there are no reserves.”

     3. Germany had England beaten; all now was to invade.

     4. For no apparent reason, the planes turned toward home, the raid was over.

     5. No reason? A leader called for a Day of Prayer, people responded and God

         worked a miracle.

     6. The Day of Prayer was on the 8th; the victory came on the 15th.[7 days]


II. Now look at Isaiah 61:2

  A. A contradiction in God’s Word?

    1. God’s intentions toward His people are good.

      a. Note: There is always opposition that must be broken.

  B. God shows grace to His children, and at the same time opposition to

      those who oppose His promise.

  C. For instance:

    1. Melchizedek prepares a covenant meal with Abraham.

    2. He was also preparing vengeance on Sodom

    3. God was preparing faithful David, at the same time He was preparing

        blasphemous Goliath for vengeance.

  D. God must bring judgment and vengeance upon spiritual foes.

    1. Some battles must be fought in heaven.

    2. We must pray and praise in times like this.

    3. 2 Corinthians 10:4

  E. Daniels prayers were resisted for twenty-one days.

    1. God sent Michael to defeat Daniel’s spiritual enemy.

    2. Daniel 10:13

  F. A lesson for us from Daniel and the Hebrew children.

    1. Six major conflicts with Daniel and his friends.

    2. These are recorded in the first six chapters of Daniel.

      a. First conflict: 1:8-15, Abstinence from the kings food.

          Abstinence wins!

      b. Second conflict: 2:1-47, Pagan magic and heavenly wisdom

          Divine wisdom wins!

      c. Third conflict: 3:1-30, Heathen idolatry arrayed against loyalty to God.

          Loyalty to God wins!

      d. Forth conflict: 4:4-37, A pagan king’s pride arrayed against divine               


         God wins! The king driven out to eat grass

      e. Fifth conflict: 5:1-30, Great sacrilege displayed against sacred things.

         Reverence wins! The hand writing on the wall.

         Belshazzar dethroned.

      f. Sixth conflict: 6:1-28, Between malicious plotting and the providence

         of God over His saints.

         Providence wins! The lions’ mouth shut.

    2. All this because these men refused to bow, but vowed to pray and worship

        the true and living God.


III. Note connection between God’s favor/judgment and our praise and worship.

  A. Psalm 23:3.  God is on His throne hearing our praise.

    1. He is there all the time, always awake, never bigger or smaller.

    2. When we praise Him, our awareness of HIM grows larger.

  B. We sing, “Oh magnify the Lord with me.”

    1. The word magnify means “to enlarge the Lord in our vision.”

    2. Look at Psalm 68:1-4, it explains the process.

      a. Vs 1, “Let God arise - - - enemies flee”

      b. Vs 2,  “The wicked perish”

      c. Vs 3, “Rejoice - - exceedingly”

      d. Vs 4, “Sing - - praise -- extol”

      e. Vs 19, 35 “God’s benefits and His strength and power.”


Conclusion: As you praise the Lord, He rises on your praises.  As He does, two things happen: He executes judgment on the wicked and vindicates the righteous.

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