This is Sermon #185 in the Restoration Series

Introduction: This feast to me is the most important after we have been saved. When we get the leaven (Sin) out we become a sanctified body. Now we can praise and worship with a new meaning, standing worthy before His Majesty, desiring the Glory of God visit us. God will come into a place where He is welcomed.

I. The meaning of Unleavened Bread

    A. Unleavened Bread extended from the fifteenth to the twenty-second day of Abid.
    1. No bread baked with leaven, yeast, was to be eaten.
    2. All yeast was to be cleaned out of the house.
    B. This is the bread used in the departure from Egypt.
    1. They had no time for the bread to rise.
    2. They departed in much haste. Exodus 12:11.
    C. In the middle of the night Israel was released to go.
    1. The women packed the unleavened dough still in the kneading troughs. Exodus 12:14-20.
    2. It was their basic food during that exciting time of travel out of Egypt.
    3. Down through the waters of the Red Sea and into the wilderness they went.
    4. God had forewarned, don't use yeast, It will cause the dough to become stale and of no use.

II. A Special Sabbath.

    A. The Prophetic Aspect of the Feast of Unleavened Bread is that it speaks of the burial of Jesus.
    1. Passover pictured His death.
    2. Unleavened Bread pictures His burial.
    B. This High Day was the first day of Unleavened Bread. John 19:14, 30-31, Leviticus 23:7.

III. Why Unleavened Bread?

    A. The Historic reason for the Feast of Unleavened Bread is that Israel was required to eat bread with out yeast in it.
    1. Yeast is a symbol of malice and wickedness. I Corinthians 5:7-8.
    B. Paul teaches us that our old sinful nature was buried with Christ in Baptism. Romans 6:4. 1. Just as the Children of Israel went down into the Red Sea with unleavened bread to sustain them. new life under Moses.
    a. So it is with us and our new life inChrist Jesus. I Corinthians 10:1-2.

IV. Saved From Their Sins.

    A. The Personal Aspect of this Feast is that of getting rid of malice and wickedness in our lives.
    1. Passover speaks of Jesus dealing with the penalty of sin.
    2. Unleavened bread speaks of Jesus dealing with the practice of sin.
    B. Matthew records, "Ye shall ~ His Name Jesus (Jehovah Saves) for He shall save His people from their sins.� Matthew 1:21.
    1. Sanctification - being set aside.
    2. This Feast speaks to us personally to purge out all malice, wickedness.
    3. This means giving ourselves over to righteousness, not sin.
    C. This is what s preaching to the Church at Corinth.
    1. They needed a personal experience of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
    2. They possessed great faith, the gifts of the Spirit. 3. They were defiled by unrighteousness in the community.

Conclusion: The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the burial of Jesus Christ Is the cleaning out of our sins and putting on the new Life in Christ Jesus.

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