Introduction: Today another miracle by Jesus and another time of accusations from the scribes and Pharisees, along with the Herodians. Jesus was getting more and more popular with the multitudes and less and less with the religious leaders.

I. Jesus enters the synagogue to teach and minister. Vs. 1

II. Regardless of the opposition, Jesus continued to minister. Vs. 10

III. Again, the religious leaders came to examine and condemn.

IV. The difference between "family and family".
Conclusion: Are we going to stand for "True Religion" as Jesus did? Will be willing to forsake all to do God's will in our life? The most important decision we will ever make is to follow Jesus no matter what the cost. Will ministering to the oppressed, healing the sick, casting out devils effect your relationship with religion? If so, it is time to reevaluate your position in Christ Jesus.

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