Mark 4:26-29
The Good Ground

# 193
Introduction: This parable is about good ground, not hard, rocky ground. This ground is the kind that will produce fruit and a bountiful harvest. In good ground, growth is sure, because the Gospel has taken root in one�s heart.

I. Jesus describes the kingdom of God. Vs 26

II. The Gospel, the seeds, is sown by man. Vs 26

III. The Gospel is the Spiritual growth in believers. Vs 27

IV. Spiritual growth is sure and constant, but gradual.

V. Spiritual growth is consummated and harvested.

Conclusion: Restoration. Time for Christians to pull out the weeds that are separating us from God�s divine presence. Begin to seek God�s presence as never before. Time is short, harvest is great, and workers are few.
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