Faith in the Storm
Mark 4: 30-41

# 194
Introduction: Where is Jesus when we need Him? Just a prayer, a word away is how close He is to us. They had Him physically, we have Him in the Spirit. Jesus explained about the mustard seed, small in size, but when planted it became a large tree. The test of faith came when they were to go to the other side of the sea. When the storm arose, how much faith did they have?

I. The parable of the mustard seed. Vs 30-32

II. The authority of Jesus over nature Vs 35-41

II. Rest and Peace are a concern of Jesus.

Conclusion: Restoration. When we plant the seed of faith and allow it to grow, Jesus will see our faith and act on our behalf. Regardless of our storm, He will calm it for us when we trust Him.

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