The Demoniac

The Demoniac

Mark 5:1-20

Restoration Series Lesson #195

Introduction: In this chapter we have three great miracles of Jesus. Each of the miracles portrays a different aspect of Jesus’ ministry. One the casting out of demons, another raising the dead and the other healing the sick. Each one was an example of one’s faith in God.

  1. Here in the first scene we see an eerie event. Vs 1
  1. Landing at night, met by a man possessed by demons, wild and shouting.
    1. Vs 2-5. Here is a man hopeless possessed.
    1. He was without Jesus
    2. He was as possessed as a man could be.
    3. But God cares and has power to deliver.
    4. He represents the man who is not spiritual, not controlled by God. Romans 8:14
    5. Galatians 5:19-21
    1. The man lived among the tombs
    1. The evil spirits caused him to live in the darkest place imaginable.
    2. He represents the man who loves darkness because his deeds are evil. John 3:19
    1. This man was cut from society.
    1. He did not live among the living, but among the dead.
    2. He represents the "living dead", men without Christ.
    3. As one cut off from the "Society of God." Ephesians 2:2-3
    1. The man was uncontrollable, unrestrained, untamed, wild, mad, violent, often possessing super human strength.
    1. Many efforts were made to help him.
    2. He could not be helped or controlled.
    3. He represents the man who is helpless, unable to save or deliver himself.
    4. Romans 1:29-32
    1. The man was naked, stripped of all decency.
    1. He represents the "old man" who stands naked before God.
    2. One who desperately needs to be clothed with the righteousness of God.
    3. Romans 13:14
    1. The man was a threat to himself and to others.
    1. One given over to evil becomes a threat to all.
    2. One totally depraved, no respect for human life.
    3. One in the total depths of disspare, hopeless, lost.
    4. Jesus saves him, showing, proving Himself God.
    5. Jesus is God, able to save the most helpless, evil person.

II. The second scene is of a man desperately aroused. Vs 6-7

  1. The presence of God’s Son aroused all the demons in him.
    1. He ran and worshipped Jesus
    2. He acknowledged Jesus to be the Son of God
    3. Note what happened:
    4. The demons believed there is one God, and trembled. James 2:19
    1. They have nothing to do with Jesus
    2. The Son of God has come to destroy the works of the devil.
    3. They are doomed to everlasting punishment.

5. Vs 7 The evil spirits were forced to bow in the presence of the purity and holiness of Jesus. Luke 19:10

III. The third scene is that of a man miraculous healed and delivered. Vs. 8-13

    1. The authority of Jesus cleansed him; Jesus did three things in this scene.
    1. Jesus spoke the word of power, commanded the evil spirits to come out.
    2. He identified the evil spirits, their name was Legion.
    3. Jesus revealed the nature of evil spirits.
    1. Subject to Jesus
    2. They desired a body
    3. They are destroyers
    1. Jesus has the authority and the power over all demons.

Matthew 14:36

IV. The fourth scene is that of people who callously reject God. Vs 14-17

    1. They begged Jesus to depart, and leave them. Five acts here:
    1. The whole swine heard destroyed.
    2. All saw the man in his right mind.
    3. All were told the good news about the man, but was more concerned about the financial loss.
    4. They asked Jesus to leave because they feared Him, and feared what He would do next.
    5. Jesus left, that was exactly what they wanted. Matthew 16:26
    1. Thought: Jesus will do exactly what you ask Him to do.

V. The fifth scene is that of a man deliberately commissioned by Jesus. Vs 18-20

    1. The man’s response was one of thankfulness and very appreciative.
    1. He wanted to follow Jesus.
    2. Jesus saw something unique in the man, something that would make him a dynamic evangelist among his own.
    3. Jesus told him to go home and tell all.
    4. Where? Vs 20 Decapolis, a district of ten cities around the Sea of Galilee.

Conclusion: Restoration: Restoring back to the church God’s power to deliver. Remember there is no limit to God’s power, His authority and it has been given to the church. Just as Jesus commissioned the Seventy to go heal the sick, cast out evils and do the works of God. The commission is still in effect. Let us begin to operate in that Presence.

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