Restoration Attitudes


Restoration Attitudes

Mark 5:21-43

Lives Restored

# 196 in the series

Introduction: Restoration of lives. How can a person lay hold of Jesus and His power? Two person, helpless, hopeless and desperately seeking Jesus. Here we see that in Jesus, all, regardless of how low or how far away one may be, if they begin to reach out in desperate faith, Jesus will meet their need.

I. Jesus’ response to the crowd. Vs 21

A. Jesus and His Company had just crossed back over the Sea of Galilee.

1. Very near Capernaum, His headquarters.

2. The next two events happened near the Sea of Galilee.

3. Desperation - Attitudes - Faith of the two involved

II. Desperation attitude - seeking Jesus, the first scene is Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue.

A. A desperate approach, Jesus response to his seeking. Vs 22-23

1. That kind of approach always gets Jesus’ attention.

2. Jesus sees and answers anyone who comes in desperation.

B. Note four things about the man and in his desperation.

1. His hopelessness, or selfless attitude. Matthew 9:18-19, Luke 9:24-26,

2. His humble attitude - "fell at His feet" Vs 22, Matthew 18:3

a. Laid aside pride and dignity

b. Laid aside friends and family

c. Laid aside profession, fame, authority

3. His pleading attitude - Vs 23, Psalm 91:15,

a. We must have this great faith

b. God used a tragedy to bring glory to Jairus. Matthew 21:22

C. The results and the impact of these four attitudes were powerful.

1. Jairus request was granted.

2. A humble pleading desperation gets results. Jesus reacts to this.

III. An attitude of hopelessness - Vs 25-34

A. The second scene involves is that of a woman’s hopeless approach

B. This approach always lays hold of Jesus. Matthew 9:20-22

1. Jesus always wants to minister to the most hopeless.

2. There are four attitudes of hopelessness. Vs 25-26

a. An attitude of the last resort - an issue of blood for twelve years, unclean, broke

b. An attitude of unworthiness, just slip in un-noticed and un-touched,

Unworthy to face Jesus, embarrassed.

c. She had an expectant, believing attitude, she believed in her heart. Vs 28

d. An attitude confessing what Jesus had done. Vs 29-30

3. Reaction ! Vs 31-34 - Healed, made whole!!

IV. Faith to believe in adverse circumstances. Vs 35-43

A. The third scene involves on simple attitude, but several attitudes that it does

Not involve.

1. There is not a fearful, despairing attitude in faith.

a. Devastating news, your daughter is dead.

b. What did Jairus feel?

c. His mind was in a spin, "why did you have to stop" "maybe if - - -"

d. Too late, all hope is gone; she is dead.

c. But Jesus said "be not afraid, only believe" Vs 26

2. Jesus does not hear a wailing, whining attitude in faith.

a. Some may say, "that is all we have left to do is wail and whine"

b. That is not the answer, Jesus is the answer with comfort and assurance.

c. Vs 39

3. Not a scornful or skeptical attitude.

a. The mourners laughed Jesus to scorn. Vs 40

4. Glory! There is an obedient attitude, one that believes and follows Jesus.

a. The parents did exactly as Jesus said to do.

b. Obedience in spite of the opposition and ridicule.

5. Jesus honored their steadfast faith.

a. There was a show of God’s love and power.

b. The daughter was raised from the dead.

c. Jesus said, "Feed the child"

Conclusion: Restoration at it’s best! The woman with the issue of blood was healed and

set free from her infirmity. Jairus daughter was raised from the dead. The multitude saw and heard the power and love Jesus had for the hopeless and destitute. Jesus acted on their desperate faith. He will act on yours.

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