
Sent Out

Mark 6:7-13

This is #198 in the Restoration Series

Introduction: Restoration: Time to take back what Satan has stolen. What power was given to the early Church when Christ ascended has been lost or watered down to the point there is little power. In our message today Jesus is sending out His twelve Disciples to minister what He has taught them.

  1. Look back now and see where we have been.
  1. In our travels we have been to several places and have seen many miracles.
  1. After Jesus’ baptism by John the Baptist, His disciples were called.
  2. Peters’ mother-in-law was healed.
  3. A leper comes and said, "If you will", Jesus said, "I will".
  4. Faith in action, man with palsy healed.
  5. Man with the withered hand was healed.
  6. By this time many sick were healed and delivered, so did the opposition.
  7. Jesus preaches two great messages, "The Unpardonable Sin" and "The Sower of the Word".
  8. Going to the other side and the stilling of the storm.
  9. Demoniac of Gadarea healed.
  10. Jairus daughter raised from the dead.
  11. Woman with the issue of blood healed.
    II. Jesus’ rejection at home and the intense training of the disciples.
    1. Jesus is sending out the twelve to minister what they have seen and have been taught.
    1. Each person has to be equipped to do whatever projects one pursues.
    2. As God equipped the disciples, so must we.
    3. The disciples were equipped and were well instructed.

    B. Jesus called His disciples unto Him. Vs. 7 Mark 3:13-15

    1. They were attached to Him, to walk and associate with Him.
    2. They lived with Him, followed Him, in His presence.
    3. They saw and heard Him minister to the people.
    4. They begin to take on His very character and behavior.
    5. They would be like Him.
    6. In becoming like Him, they served Him more and more.

    C. Jesus sent them out two by two.

    1. The reason was that every word was to be established in the mouth of two
    2. witnesses. Matthew 18:16

    3. They would be support for each other.
    4. Each would supply encouragement, strength and courage for each other.

    D. Jesus gave His disciples great power over unclean spirits.

    1. This authority was extended in Luke’s gospel. Luke 9:1-2
    2. Mark is writing to the Gentiles.
    3. Romans 1:21-28, Sixteen sins of the Gentiles that Mark was dealing with.
    4. Mark’s purpose: To conquer evil spirits, destroy the works of the devil in the hearts of men.
    III. The ministry they were charged with. Vs 8-13
    1. Jesus gave them five specific instructions.
    1. They were to take a walking staff only.
    2. No script or wallet, no bread, no money in their purse.
    3. They were to wear sandals for protection and coolness and comfort.
    4. They were not to wear two coats, for this would display extravagant and wasteful living.
    1. The main thought is for God’s servant to live simple and depend on God to supply the need.
    1. A disciple is to focus on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3:1-2
    2. They were to have their minds centered on "Preaching the Gospel and Ministering to the People" not on the material.
    3. He is to demonstrate total trust in God for his needs.
    4. He is to allow God to teach and supply his every need through God’s people.
    5. 1 Corinthians 9:13-14
    1. The disciples were to show stability and steadiness. Vs 10
    1. They were to be satisfied with all accommodations.
    2. Not to be looking for finer places to stay.
    3. If their minds were more on the material than spiritual, the ministry would suffer.
    4. In some cases it would separate people, the congregation and block the power of God to minister.
    1. They were to minister God’s power to change men’s lives
    1. Reject those who rejected them. Vs 11
    2. They were to preach repentance. Vs 12
    3. These men represented the King, proclaiming His message as given to them.
    4. They were to cast out devils, minister healing to the sick.
    5. They were to anoint with oil.
    6. Oil is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, of His presence.
    7. It is the oil of gladness, to make more real His presence. Hebrews 1:9

    Conclusion: Restoration! How we long for the day that we see in our Churches what Jesus commanded His disciple to do. They were to go out and do what they had seen Him do, heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons and much more. "Oh God, help us gain back that power in our Churches again. Amen!"

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