

Mark 6:30-34

This is #199 in the Restortation Series.

Introduction: Restoration! Notice the first part of the word is "rest"? So part of the restoration of the church is "rest in the Lord." The disciples return from their mission and are tired. Jesus makes a simple statement, "Let us go rest a while".

  1. The need for rest and its dangers.
    1. Every person needs rest, relaxation and time alone with God. Vs 30
    1. When one is seeking rest, there are dangers that will confront him.
    2. Note there are three dangers to avoid.
    1. Danger one: Not taking time to rest. Vs 31-32
    2. Danger two: Taking too much time to rest when people need help. Vs 33
    3. Danger three: Losing sight of people who are sheep without a shepherd. Vs 34
  1. What is Rest?
    1. Looking at God’s rest for His children.
    1. Matthew 11:28-29
    2. To refresh, take rest, give rest, and cease from any movement in order to recover and collect strength.
    3. To keep quite, of calm and patient expectation.
    4. Cessation of any motion, business or labor.
    1. Hebrews 3:18
    1. The heavenly blessedness in which God dwells, and which He has promised to believers in Christ after the toils and trials of life are ended.
    1. Hebrews 4:9
    1. Keeping the Sabbath, the day of rest.
  1. The Disciples return from their mission. Vs 30
    1. They reported two things to Jesus.
    1. What they had done
    2. What they had taught
    1. Jesus was very interested in what they taught and how they lived.
    1. Had they followed His instructions in ministry?
    2. This report would verify their actions and obedience.
    3. This report would reveal their commitment and effectiveness of each disciple.
    4. Note: Their teaching would effect the salvation of the whole world.
    1. Thought: We are accountable to how we live and portray Christ.
    1. We are to portray Him in the way we live and teach.
    2. Each of us is accountable to God. 2 Corinthians 5:10
    1. Thought: What we say, live and teach id all shared with the Lord.
    1. Nothing we do or say should be shameful to the Lord.
  1. Rest and devotion to the task. Vs 31-32
    1. The first danger is not taking time for rest.
    1. The disciples were very tired.
    2. They had just returned from a very extensive time of ministry.
    3. As they returned the crowds were gathering, not permitting them much rest or even time to eat.
    1. Jesus said, "Let us go to a desert place"
    1. There is always a time one must get alone with God.
    2. The work of the ministry will tax ones strength.
    3. There is both the physical and mental that pulls ones energy.
    4. Everyone needs rest, so did the disciples. Psalm 55:6-7
    5. All need our spirits refreshed with the presence of God through prayer.
    6. There is a need for time for meditation and study of the Word. Job 37:14
    7. Jesus was very concerned about the disciple’s welfare, both physical and spiritual.
    8. Matthew 11:28 Proverbs 1:33
  1. The second danger is taking too much time for rest.

    1. There are always people needing help.
    1. We must be wise in the use of our time.
    1. The crowd saw them leaving and begins to follow.
    1. There were about five thousand men plus the women and children.
    2. A natural reaction, we are tired and hungry, go way for a while.
    1. Thought: A time to minister, a time alone with God.

1. A time to work, just as there is time to pray

2. A time to get up and at it, and a time to relax and rest Isaiah 32:17

  1. The third danger, losing sight of the need of the people. Vs 34
    1. They are as sheep without a shepherd. John 14:6
    1. They are bewildered and just wander about.
    2. They get lost easily and can’t find their way home.
    3. People without the shepherd, the Lord Jesus, are lost.
    1. Sheep without a shepherd go hungry. John 14:6
    1. Lack of adequate nourishment
    2. Can’t find sufficient food
    3. Without Jesus they go hungry
    1. Sheep without a shepherd cannot find shelter of safety. Psalm 91:1
    1. Exposed to all dangers
    2. People without Jesus are exposed to the evils of the world.
    3. They are doomed because of trials and temptations of the world.

Conclusion: Restoration! Two facts here, rest and ministry, both are vital. Rest to restore, refresh, pray, meditate and fellowship with the Father. This gives strength to minister to the needs of the lost and the hurting sheep.

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