

Mark 35-44


This is #200 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: Restoration!  Today we see one of the most notable miracles of Jesus.  Feeding the five thousand is the only miracle reported in all four of the gospels.  Attitudes are displayed in this miracle.


I.  Attitudes toward human need and resources  -  Vs 35-37


A.  Attitudes toward human needs

1.  Individual responsibility

B.  The disciples’ response to the multitude “send them away”.

2.  The multitude was interfering with ‘there plans’ to rest.

C.  How often do we find ourselves in this situation?

1.  Jesus had a different attitude.  Vs 37

D.  Jesus said, “you feed them”

E.  A corporate responsibility

F.  Jesus places the responsibility to feed them on the disciples.


II. Six attitudes toward resources   - Vs 37-44


A.  It takes resources to meet human needs.

1. Every person has something they can give.

2. Each person can help and do something to meet a need when confronted.

3. The problem is not lack of resources, nor lack of ability or money or time.

4. The problem is attitude, attitude toward the resources one has.

B.  Attitude one: Questioning one’s ability to give. Vs 37

1. Jesus had just said, “Give them food”.

2. The disciples were shocked and disturbed at Jesus’ instructions.

3. The crowd was enormous and the task impossible.

4. The disciples reply, “Shall we go buy food enough”. Vs 37b

5. They thought the request was ridiculous.

6. The cost would have equaled to six months wages.

7. Two things the disciples forgot.

8. They forgot that they had something, there own food and provisions.

9. They forgot the power of God and His love and desire to meet the need.

Thought: Remember the Widows Mite?  Mark 12:41-44,  Luke 6:38

C.  Attitude two: Checking to see what one can give.  Vs 38

1. Jesus did not get irritated with the disciples; He simply asked a question.

2. “How many loaves do you have?”

3. They had resources that they had overlooked.

a. Why? Because they were so small and could never meet the need.

b.  It was two fish and five loaves of bread.

c.  The disciples and Jesus could have eaten that themselves.

Note: Jesus did not see if it was enough, but at the resources they had to give. 

d.  Jesus looked at what they had to give, not at the whole task to be done.

e.  We are to get our eyes on what we have, not the mammoth of the task.

f.  Our attitude in giving checks our resource, what we can give, even small.

g.  No matter how great the need, Christ is the answer.

h.  Set our eyes on what I can do, not on the impossibility.  Acts 11:29

D.  Attitude three: Organizing what resources one has.  Vs 39-40

1.  Notice what Jesus did. Organized into small groups.

a.  Made the multitude easy to serve.

E.  Attitude four: Being thankful for what we have.  Vs 41

1.  Note what Jesus did, He took in His hand what He had.

a.  He looked to heaven and gave thanks for it.

b.  At that moment it was small, it was insignificant.

c.  Outward, it would do very little.

d.  Jesus took it, looked to heaven, and blessed it.

Thought: Our resource, regardless of how small, God can use and magnify to meet the need.   Psalm 50:10,  Haggai 2:8

F.  Attitude five: The attitude of giving what one has.  Vs 42,  1 Timothy 6:17-19

1.  After giving thanks, Jesus took the food and gave it to the disciples to set before the people.

2.  The miracle happened, the resource multiplied.

3.  All the people were fed and filled.

4.  We are to give all, Jesus, The Perfect Provider.

5.  The Perfect Supplier multiplies the resource.  Vs 43,  Matthew 6:33

G.  Attitude six: The attitude of being careful in the handling of resources. Vs 44

1.  Christ teaches resources are not to be wasted.

2.  They are to be used day after day.

3.  Remember that there is always a place to use elsewhere.


Conclusion: Restoration: To gain back the real value of giving and then allowing our God to work the miracle for us.  In faith we give, whether large or small, God will honor our resource and cause it to multiply.

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