Five Wise Lessons for Service

Mark 6:45-52



Introduction: Restoration: To trust in God, put down doubt and fear, begin to walk in the presence of Jesus, will restore the church’s power. What a thrill it is to see the power of God demonstrated in church today.  Lord, restore that power.


I.  Four reasons Jesus had to send the disciples away.  Vs 45.


A.     Jesus had to persuade the disciples to go.

1.      After feeding the five thousand, they wanted to take Him and by force make Him a king.  John 6:15

a.       They thought by making Him Messiah, He would free the people.

b.      He could lead a revolt against Rome and set up His rule.

c.       He was to set up a theocracy, the rule and reign of God over all the earth.

d.      Jesus sent away the disciples to keep them from getting caught up in the excitement.

e.      To fight the storm to stay alive would calm them down.

2.      It was now time to move on.

a.       There were more places and people to minister too.

3.      Jesus also needed time to pray and be refreshed.

4.      Jesus wanted the disciples to learn five lessons for service.

a.       Lesson one: Crowd excitement is not always wise.  Vs 45

b.      Lesson two: Prayer after service is wise Vs 46

c.       Lesson three: A cry for help in time of need is wise Vs 47-49

d.      Lesson four: Receiving the presence of Jesus is wise. Vs 50-51

e.      Lesson five: Remembering and trusting the power of Jesus is wise Vs 52


 II. Lesson one: Crowd excitement is not always wise.  Vs 45.


A.     They had been fed miraculously, they were very excited

1.      As their Messiah He could keep them all fed, meet all their needs.

2.      The crowd wanted to take Him by force and make Him king.

3.      Rebellion would have been put down and many killed.

4.      No thought to the end results.

5.      They wanted to act now whether wise or unwise.

a.       Fleshly emotions were running wild

b.      Selfish desires were dominating

c.       Rationality and thoughtfulness were lacking

d.      Spiritual insight was completely absent

B.     Jesus could not allow the disciples to get caught up in this.

1.      God’s will had to be done.

2.      His will was the cross and an eternal kingdom.

3.      A kingdom that would last for all eternity, not just a few years.

C.     God’s desire for man was for eternity.

1.      Jesus knew man could live eternally by the cross only.

2.      This by a spiritual birth only.

3.      Made possible only by the death of the Son of God.  John 3:16

D.     Jesus had to do God’s will.

1.  Ephesians 1:7,   1Peter 2:24,   1Peter 3:18

E.     Crowd excitement is dangerous when one does not think.

1.      One gets excited, stimulated, tingling and craving

2.      One begins to act foolish, following the crowd.

3.      Causes one to ignore right and wrong.  2 Corinthians 6:17-18

4.      The need:  Romans 12:1-2


III.           The second lesson is prayer after service is wise.


A.     Jesus was praying on the mountain [situation] in the midst of the storm. Vs 46

1.      Jesus had a large and successful ministry.

2.      He had the recognition, praise and excitement of the crowd.

B.     He sent the crowd away so He could pray.

1.      God not the mass was His source, His rest, His strength and motivation, His renewal through prayer, praise and worship.

2.      He had to get alone with God to pour out His heart.

3.      The crowd could give nothing, but God could give everything.

C.     Jesus needed time to pray and be with His heavenly Father.

1.      He was exhausted; He needed God’s presence and rest.

2.      He was tempted; He needed God’s strength and deliverance.

3.      He was drained spiritually; He needed to worship God.

4.      He was weary of man’s excitement; He needed God’s excitement and motivation.  1 Thessalonians 5:17,  1 Chronicles 16:11


IV.  Third lesson is to cry for help in the time of need is wise. Vs 47-49.


A.     The storm came up while crossing the lake.

1.      Their toil was long and hard, rowing against the wind.

2.      Their fear was horrifying.  [not all in the boat were fisherman]

a.       They were exhausted, mentally drained

b.      Their lives were at stake, struggling for survival

c.       They saw a figure, was it the death angel?  Vs 49

            3.  Their cry was desperate.  Psalm 81:7, Jeremiah 33:3


V.  The fourth lesson is receiving the presence of Jesus.  Vs 50-51.


A.     In all their fear, they heard the voice of Jesus calling to them.

1.      “It’s all right, I am here, don’t be afraid”.  [“I Am” had arrived!]

2.      The authority and assurance of the voice made the disciples realize it was Jesus.

3.      They knew then that they were safe and secure.

a.       Fear eased

b.      The storm calmed

c.       Amazed in His presence

d.      Philippians 4:6-7,  Hebrews 13:6, Isaiah 46:4


VI.  The fifth lesson is remembering and trusting the power of Jesus.


A.     The disciples had no reason to fear or doubt Jesus could walk on water or to calm the storm.

B.     Amazing how quick one forgets:

1.      The miracles they had seen

2.      They had forgotten so easily and quickly

3.      The had hardened hearts

4.      So attached to the earth

5.      Able to see only the ordinary and explainable

C.     Thought: They had spiritual experience after spiritual experience.

1.      Yet they were still attached to the earth

2.      They had to see beyond the explainable

3.      Profession is easy; living in complete trust in God is difficult. Acts 28:27

D.     Thought: A spiritual mind and constant prayer are the answer to hardness of heart.  2 Corinthians 10:5, Colossians 3:10, Philippians 4:6-8


Conclusion:  Restoration!  These five lessons are very needful today in our churches.  More often we are apt to go to the world instead of Jesus when we are in the midst of the storm.  Let us all become more aware of the power of God working through Jesus for us.



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