Touching Jesus

Mark 6:53-56


This is message #202 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: Restoration! Here in these last days we are in what is believed to be the last great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  The Great River of Truth is being released throughout the world.  The church needs to get ready to open wide its doors to receive the flood that is coming.   As we study the life and action and works of Jesus, we see how much we have missed of what He taught.


I.  A person can be healed spiritually and physically.


A.     Three main steps in receiving your healing

1.      Step one: Recognizing Jesus. Vs 53-54

2.      Step two: Acknowledging one’s need and believing that Jesus can help.

3.      Step three: Asking unashamedly and unreservedly for Jesus to help.


II.  Step one: recognizing that Jesus came to seek and to save.


A.     Notice that the people knew Him. Vs 54

1.      They fully recognized Him

2.      They perceived, knew exactly who He was

3.      They knew Him by experience

B.     Gennesarat was a very fertile plain on the northwest side of the Lake of Gennesarat.

1.      It stretched three miles long and about a mile wide.

2.      It was called “paradise” and was the “Garden of Princes”.

C.     It was a place that could give only physical pleasure.

1.      It cannot give peace to the soul or give eternal life.

2.      Only Jesus can give peace and eternal life.

D.     We have to seek Christ.

1.      We must know that Jesus is present, at hand, reachable, available to make us whole.

2.      We must know He is willing and able.  Luke 19:10,  2 Peter 3:9

E.     Two reasons why men must know about Christ.

1.      Believers have failed to live and go forth with a zeal bearing testimony.

2.      Unbelievers have failed to open their hard hearts and closed minds to Christ.

F.      Thought: Could it be our fault that more people are NOT getting saved?

1.      Have we “reformed Christ” to our man made religion, and stifled zeal instead of reforming our lives?

2.      Have we gotten so comfortable that we ignore truths that have come to heal and to save man?

3.      Have we forgotten there is a heaven to gain and a hell to shun?

4.      People do not believe man is perishing and doomed to perish eternally.


III.  Second step to healing.


A.     One must acknowledge their need and believing Jesus can help.

1.      Note what people the people did.  “They ran – Vs 55”

2.      How many times have we run through town?

3.      They didn’t stop until they found Jesus.

B.     Two things would cause intense seeking after Jesus.

1.      There was a great need.

a.       Sick and need healing

b.      Need to confess there sin and be saved

c.       Did not care who saw their disease or injury

2.      The people “really believed” Jesus could help.

a.       Believed He could make them whole

b.      So desperate, not willing to miss the opportunity to touch Jesus.

c.       Note: We can “touch Jesus” anytime, anywhere, when we get serious.

C.     Each of us have the need to be made whole: Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically,

1.      We must believe Jesus can help us.  Mark 9:23


IV.  The third step to healing is asking unashamedly and unreservedly for Jesus’ help.


A.     These were so desperate; all they wanted to do was “touch” His garment. Vs 56

1.      Besought: Means to ask, to beg.  Created the essential attitudes necessary to be made whole.

2.      A real sense of need, so much we will be asking, begging in desperation.

3.      Having a sense of humility so deep nothing or no one matters.

4.      Total belief in Christ Jesus and His willingness to make us whole. Begging Him to make us well, whole.

B.     Thought: All those that were that desperate and touched just the hem of His garment were made whole.

1.      Remember Jesus did not shrink back from any regardless of their condition.


Conclusion: Restoration! To be made whole through and through. A complete restoration takes place within a person.  The person is completely cured, spiritually and inwardly, as well as physically and outwardly.


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