Things that Defile
Mark 7:14-23

This is message #204 in the Restoration Series. Introduction: Restoration: Getting the things that defiles, [to make filthy, pollute, make unclean] out of the body and begin to strive for the body without spot or wrinkle.

I. This is one of the most startling things Jesus ever taught.

II. Jesus calls the multitude to Him. Vs 14-17

III. Explanation one: things that enter the body do not defile.

IV. Second Explanation: the thing that comes from the heart does defile. Vs 20-22

V. The sins named and explained. Vs 21-22

    A. In these verses there are thirteen sins named.
        a. Thoughts and imaginations and ideas and concepts that are wrong base, wicked, immoral, unjust.
        b. Thoughts that are not what they ought to be.
        c. Thoughts that are not uplifting, edifying and spiritual.
        d. Evil thoughts are a sin against all the commandments. e. Psalm 94:11, Proverbs 23:7
      2. ADULTERY:
        a. Sexual unfaithfulness to husband or wife.
        b. Even looking on man or woman to lust after is sin.
        c. Pornography in any form is sin, male or female.
        d. Adultery is a sin against the seventh commandment. Exodus 20:14 "Thou shalt not commit adultery".
        e. Matthew 5:27-28
        a. Includes all forms of immoral and sexual acts.
        b. Pre-marital sex and adultery is sin.
      4. MURDER:
        a. Exodus 20:13, "Thou shalt not kill".
        b. 1 John 3:15
      5. THEFTS:
        a. To cheat and steal.
        b. Wrongfully take from another person. Exodus 20:15, "Thou shalt not steal"
        c. Leviticus 19:11, Ephesians 4:28
        a. Lust for more and more.
        b. To have a starving appetite for something.
        c. To have a love of possessing.
        d. To grasp after possessions, pleasure, power and fame.
        e. An insatiable lust and craving of the flesh that cannot be satisfied.
        f. An intense appetite for gain, seeking happiness.
        g. All this instead of God is idolatry.
        h. Exodus 20:17, Luke 12:15.
      7. WICKEDNESS:
        a. To be actively evil, to do mischief.
        b. To trouble and cause harm to others.
        c. To be dangerous and destructive.
        d. A desire within to do wicked acts, harm, to corrupt people. Psalm 5:9.
      8. DECIEPT:
        a. To snare, mislead, be crafty and deceitful.
        b. To give false impressions by word, acts or influence.
        c. Twisting the truth to get one's way.
        d. Romans 3:13, Psalm 101:7
        a. Filthiness, indecency, shamelessness.
        b. Open and shameless indecency.
        c. Unrestrained evil thoughts and behavior.
        d. One who knows no restraint.
        e. When sin no longer makes any difference. Jude 4, 7
      10. EVIL EYE:
        a. Looking at what one should not.
        b. To lust after what one should not.
        c. To envy, covet, crave and desire by looking.
        d. To use the eye in an evil way. Luke 11:34
      11. BLASPHEMY:
        a. To slander, insult; revile, to speak evil of God or man. Mark 3:28-29.
      12. PRIDE:
        a. Self- exaltation, conceit, arrogance, haughtiness.
        b. Putting self above others.
        c. Comparing self with others.
        d. Pride can be hidden in the heart as well as openly.
        e. Proverbs 3:7, 11:2, 16:18, 21:4
      13. FOOLISHNESS:
        a. Moral senselessness, wrecklessnes, thoughtlessness.
        b. One who acts foolishly in morals and duty, behavior and thought.
        c. Proverbs 15:14, 28:26.

VI. Third explanation: the source of evil is the heart.

    A. The problem of evil is from within, not from without.
      1. Evil comes from a man's heart [spirit], not his body.
    B. Read or hear the news from any city on any given day and see the evil.
      1. Pick any city today. Is it better or worse now than 125 years ago?
      2. So depressing to see and hear of all the evil, bad news.
      C. Jesus saw man's heart was the problem.
        1. From the heart evil things come.
        2. Yet from within man knows better.
        3. Man cannot control his heart.

VII. Three fatal mistakes man makes when dealing with law and evil.

    1. Man judges evil to be external only.
      a. He looks at the sinful act, only the deed.
      b. Man is considered good if he never did anything bad.
    2. Man fails to see evil arise from the heart, within.
      a. Evil things come from the heart.
      b. Little restraint, if any, upon the lust and inward thoughts.
    3. Man must realize the human heart needs to be changed.
      a. The heart must be converted, born again, saved, delivered.
      b. A new man is needed.
      c. 1 Peter 1:23, Ephesians 4:23-24

Conclusion: Restoration! Cast aside those weights [sins] that hinder the move of God in our churches. Repent and be saved, or let the Holy Spirit minister to you. Let the precious Blood of Jesus cleanse and make you whole and clean.

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