The Compassion of Jesus and the Stupidity of Man
Mark 8:1-13

This is Message #207 in the Restoration Series

Introduction: Restoration. Here in these verses we see such a contrast in attitudes. Displayed are the compassion of Jesus and the stupidity of religionist. Our desire today is to have the mind of Christ in both situations.

I. Jesus was doing two things in this event.

II. The people were hungry for spiritual food.

III. Six things compassion must demonstrate.

IV. Verse 10: The scene changes as He leaves Decapolis.

V. The spiritually blind seek a sign. Vs 11

VI. Spiritual blindness grieved the Lord. Vs 12

VII. The spiritual blind receive no sign from the Lord.

VIII. Jesus rejects the spiritual blind. Vs 13

Conclusion: Restoration. When the church begins to have compassion beyond the walls of the church and spiritual eyes are opened to the need, restoration will come.

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