Beware of Leaven
Mark 8:14-21

This is Message #208 in the Restoration Series.

Introduction: Restoration: Jesus was teaching to beware of the teaching of the Pharisees and the leadership of the world leaders. These leaders and teachers were and are a threat to most people.

I. What Jesus meant is explained in these verses.

II. The disciples remembered something. Vs 14

A. They had forgotten to bring food.

1. There was only one loaf of bread in the boat.
2. Jesus took the opportunity to teach on the evil and dangers of religionist and world leaders.

IV. What Jesus was really saying? Vs 15

A. Beware! Of the leadership and teaching, it was evil.

1. Leaven: False leadership and teaching
2. The disciples misunderstood what Jesus was saying.
B. Three things the disciples thought Jesus were saying.

C. What Jesus meant by the leaven of the Pharisees and Herod?
D. The Pharisees believed in a personal God, but added much to the Word, this led to three gross errors.
V. The danger in dealing with the religionist and world leaders is threefold. Vs 16-21

Conclusion: Restoration: How much the church needs to cast out the leaven and begin to feed on the �Bread of Life�. Follow Jesus, not the world and it�s materialist crave.

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