Who Am I?
Mark 8:22-30

This is # 209 in the Restoration Series.

Introduction: Restoration. Jesus heals the blind man and Peter makes the great confession that is still the rock of confession to the church. This confession is to be our foundation of faith in Christ Jesus.

I. This is not only the healing of the blind man, but the compassion of friends.

II. Let us now relive the scene described here. Vs 23a

III. The miracle took place in stages. Vs. 23b

IV. The great confession of Peter, who Jesus is. Vs 27

V. Jesus was facing the end very, very soon.

VI. But what about your confession? Vs 29

Conclusion: Restoration! This confession is just the beginning of one�s spiritual journey. So much we have to study and learn about Jesus. That is the process of coming to know Him.

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