Jesus Proclaims Himself Messiah
Mark 8:31-33

This is Message #210 in the Restoration Series.

Introduction: Restoration. Jesus had just healed the blind man and then asked His disciples that all-important question. Who do men say that I am and who do you say that I am? The answer was the Christ, Son of the Living God. With this Jesus was able to explain to the disciples who He was and the ultimate purpose and goal for His life here on earth.

I. Jesus foretells His death and resurrection. Vs 31

II. Messiahship: the way of man�s messiah. Vs 32-33

    A. Jesus spoke openly, plainly, unmistakably, frankly without hesitation
      1. Jesus indoctrinated His disciples with the fact and meaning of His death.
      2. So much so that Peter confronted him
    B. Note three points:
      1. One, natural man rejects God�s Messiah.
      a. He rebels at the idea of the cross.
      b. Thinks of some other way besides the cross.
      c. Peter was rebelling against the idea that God�s Son was going to die, shed His blood for the sins of the world. 1 Peter 2:24
      d. Peter could accept Jesus as the Son of the Living God, but not as the Suffering Savior.
      e. He tried to stop the idea; what Peter did.
        1. �Peter took Him�, caught hold, grabbed Jesus
        2. �Begin to rebuke� to forcible stop the idea of a Suffering Savior.
        3. Matthew 16:22, �this shall not be unto thee�, or �this must not and cannot happen to you�
        4. Peter is saying, �God forbid�. Peter�s desire was to stop the cross from being.
        5. He was urging Jesus to become the Messiah of power, fame, and sensations that the Jews were expecting.
        6. Peter was urging Jesus to follow his own human schemes instead of God�s way.
        7. Peter was using Satan�s methods of temptations.
      f. Peter didn�t realize or understand the full plan of God for Jesus.
        1. Peter was zealous for God, but was mistaken and ignorant in his zeal.
        2. He did not understand that God was planning to save the world through the death of His Son Jesus.
      g. Peter�s behavior is the way of the world.
        1. It is the way of the natural, carnal mind.
        2. Man rejects, rebels against the idea of a Suffering Savior who dies for the sins of the world.
        3. One who demands the same sacrifice and denial of His followers.

III. Some concepts of man�s plan and God�s plan.

    A. Looking at three ideas, all wrong.
      1. God is indulgent love.
        a. A giving, loving, indulgent, �grandfather� type.
        b. One who tolerates, rewards by accepting the worst behavior.
        c. To think that the cross and the blood of Christ as an emblem of suffering is repulsive.
        d. The cross, viewed only as an emblem of love, not sin and shame.
      2. Some think comfort and pleasure are the path of life and God�s way.
        a. The grandfather type that gives all the good things of life.
        b. Plenty of ease, comfort, pleasure, health and leisure.
        c. Again the cross as an emblem of love and care for the world.
        d. Not seeing the cross as one of suffering and sacrifice and self-denial.
        e. The purpose of the cross was to reconcile a world lost in sin.
      3. Some feel that triumph, victory, power and reigning supreme are God�s way.
        a. This was the idea of most Jews in Christ� day.
        b. This was the same idea that Peter had.
        c. Some see the concepts of self-image and self improvement and personality development were God�s plan.
        d. Here again the idea of suffering and sacrifice and self-denial is rejected.

IV. Point two is the natural man is Satan.

    A. The meaning of Satan is adversary.
      1. Peter�s rebuke was the same as Satan�s was in the temptation.
      2. Satan said, �you do this and I will give you this�, that is mans way.
      3. Peter was opposing God�s plan, opposing the salvation of the world through the death of Jesus.
      4. In essence, Peter was saying, �I am smarter than God, My idea is better.�
    B. Natural man sets his mind in material things, not God.
      1. �Thou savorest not,� means to think, to mind.
      2. Peter wasn�t thinking on things of God.
      3. Peter did not want bloodshed, death.
      4. God�s plan called for the shedding of blood, the death of the testator, Jesus.

V. Note Peter�s testimony after Jesus� death and resurrection.

    A. Most of First Peter is his testimony about Jesus.
      1. 1 Peter 1:3-4, 18-19, 21
      2. 1 Peter 2:24
      3. 1 Peter 3:18

Conclusion: Restoration! Peter was always the one to speak first and sometime out of order. This was the case here, but he was always quick to repent, get his confession right. We need to restore back that right confession about the cross, the blood, and Christ� suffering.

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