Taking up Your Cross

Mark 8:34 – 9:1


This is Message # 211 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: Jesus has finished teaching and instructing His disciples the necessity of His having to die.  Now Jesus is instructing all the people the importance of dying to self and taking up the cross and following Him.  Jesus is pointing out the radical difference between living and dying for God.


I.  Jesus spoke to all, both the disciples and the people.  Vs 34


A.     WHOSOEVER means all whom will follow Him.

  1. What Jesus is saying is, “To sell out and follow me”


II. The issue of discipleship = Indulgence vs. denying self   Vs 34b


A.     Jesus is saying that there are two life styles.

1.      One of self indulgence

2.      The other is the life style of self-denial.  Romans 12:1-2, 2Corinthians 6:17-18

3.      Each person has to make a choice:

a.      loving comfort and ease or commitment and discipline

b.      loving wealth and property or work and compassion

c.      loving recognition and fame or humility and sacrifice

d.      loving position and power or service and ministry

e.      loving pleasure and feeling or righteousness and self control

B.     The question for is “How do we make the right choice?”

Jesus said four things

1.      Man must will to come after Him.

a.  Wills = to desire, wish, design, purpose, resolve, determine

b.  It is a deliberate choice, a deliberate will, a determination to follow Jesus.

c.  When one chooses to follow, one must do three things: deny self, take up the cross, and follow.

2.      Deny = to disown, disregard, forsake, renounce, reject, refuse, restrain,

                   disclaim, do without.

a.  It means to subdue, to disregard oneself and one’s interest.

b.  Simply put, it means to say NO.

c.  Not so much to others but to SELF.

d.  This means to act positive, to say yes to Jesus and no to self.

e.  This is letting Jesus rule in your life.

f.       This is a now thing, begin at once to deny self.

3.      Follow = To be a follower or a companion, to be a disciple.

a.   Following Christ, to be like Him.

b.   Not a passive behavior, but an active commitment and walk.

c.   Pursing Jesus with zeal and energy, seeking to follow His footsteps no matter what the cost.

 d.  It takes energy and effort, action and work.

e.   NOTE: His steps lead to death before they lead to GLORY.

 Matthew 16:21

4.      Take up “your cross” and follow ME.  Vs 34c

a.      All of us has a “cross to bear”

b.      Not sickness, troubles, heartaches, ect.

c.       Your cross is what God has called you to do.

d.      Your ministry is “your cross”


III.  Your life, to save it or to lose it - Vs 35


A.     Jesus made a surprising statement: “If a man wishes to save his life he must    

lose it.”  Note two phrases:

1.      “For my sake”  Vs 35b

a.      One who abandons this life, sacrifices and gives all to Jesus shall save his life.

b.      But, one who keeps and seeks more and more of this life shall loose it eternally.

c.       When all their efforts are directed to gaining health, wealth, power, fame, thrills and excitement of this world shall loose his life eternally.   Luke 12:19-20

2.      “- - - - - - and the gospels sake”  Vs 35c

a.      Losing our life to Jesus is to save it eternally.

b.      NOTE these contrast in living for self or dying for Christ.

1] The person who saves his life:             2] The person who gives his life

   a. One who lies around home                     a.one who becomes an explorer and a

       and its comfort shall loose his life.         Pioneer for Jesus shall save it.

   b. Who spends all on self and family          b. Who sacrifices and gives all he is

        shall loose his life.                                        and has to the gospel shall save it.

   c. Who takes all his time for his own          c. Who gives his time for the gospel,

       affairs shall loose his life.                             [your ministry]shall save his life.

3.      Matthew 19:29,  2 Corinthians 4:11


IV. To deny Jesus for the world   Vs 36-38


A.     Today is a day of choice, life or death.

1.      There are two lives we can live.

a.      Two stages, two beings, two existences to the same life.

b.      Life eternal with Jesus or eternal life with Satan in hell.

c.       What master will you serve?


Conclusion: Restoration.  These are eternal choices of each individual.  Are we to choose the things of the world or the things of God? Proclaim or deny Him before all men?  To be denied by Him is to spend eteprnity in hell.       





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