The Transfiguration

The Transfiguration

Mark 9:2-13


This is #212 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: the purpose of the transfiguration was to reveal Heaven’s glory.  Heavens glory would strengthen Jesus to bear the cross and strengthen the disciples in their belief that Jesus was God’s Messiah.  A closer study will strengthen our faith and enable us to bear our cross with more zeal and determination.


I.  The inner circle, Peter, James, and John  Vs 2

A.     Why just those three, the answer is not given.

1.      Those three were the closest to Jesus.

2.      They were with Jesus when Jairus daughter was raised from the dead.

3.      Was it because of a special call on each of their lives?

a.      Peter was to be the leader of the early church and opened the gospel to the Jews and Gentiles.

b.      James was the first pastor of the great church in Jerusalem.

c.       John was the one who received The Revelation from God to close out the scriptures.


II. The Transfiguration Glory    Vs 2-4

A.     The transfiguration strengthened Jesus for the ordeal ahead.

1.      He was about to face the full weight of what was involved in dying for

the sin of the world.

2.      The pressure of bearing God’s judgment for all the sins was beginning

to press in on Him.

3.      He needed God’s strength, encouragement, and assurance in a

very special way.

B.     God gave Jesus two very special experiences.

         1.  Jesus was transfigured.  Vs 3

a.      Transfigured  [metamorphoo], a change into another form, a transformation, a change of countenance, a complete change. Luke 9:29, Matthew 17:2

b.      The Glory of His Godly nature was allowed to shine through His body.

c.       The Glory:  John 17:5   Contrast, the transfiguration and the crucifixion,

Light and darkness.  Revelation 1:16

[God is light   1John 1:5

[God – dwelling in the light which no man can approach – 1Timothy 6:16

[God – who coverest thyself with light as with a garment – Psalm 104:2

C.     Two things need to be noted.

1.      The word “shinning” is a Greek participle, which means the shinning is active.

2.      The transfiguration was a real, active experience.

3.      No illusion, no dream or imagination.

4.      “His own face did shine” His Glory, inner nature, His Godly nature actively shinning through His being.

5.      Only a small portion of God’s Glory shown through Jesus.

6.      Man cannot stand in God’s full Glory.  1Timothy 6:14-16

D.    The transfiguration is a mystery to man.

1.      God’s glory is so brilliant there is no need of the sun.  Revelation 21:23, 22:5

2.      Jesus was visited by two saints from heaven.  Vs 4

a.      Moses, the lawgiver

b.      Elijah, the great prophet

c.       Two reasons why Moses and Elijah appeared

1.      To discuss His death and the pressure of the cross

2.      To show that Jesus is the true Messiah, the Son of God

a.      One superior to law and the prophets

b.      These two were honoring and ministering to Jesus

c.       Symbolizing that the law and prophets found fulfillment in Jesus

d.      Jesus is the One the law and prophets pointed too.

e.      The Old covenant was fulfilled and superseded by Jesus who was to usher in the New Covenant.


III.  The transfiguration strengthened the disciples.

A.     They were strengthened four ways.

1.      It helped their shattered faith.

a.      Jesus had said “I am going to Jerusalem to die”

b.      This had disturbed all the disciples, but this experience enlightened those three.

c.       The transfiguration made them eyewitnesses to the splendor and glory of Messiah’s and to God’s voice of approval.

d.      They saw the law and the prophets fulfilled in Jesus as represented by Moses and Elijah.

2.      It gave them a taste of Glory.  Vs 5

a.      Thee three were tasting some of heaven’s glory and joy.

b.      Also the peace and security and fulfillment and purification.

c.  They didn’t want to leave this hallowed ground.

d.  Peter wanted to build some tents for them.

3.     They found themselves in the awesome presence of God.

a.  The believer can experience the SHEKINAH GLORY  in Jesus.

b.  The believer can hear the voice of God proclaiming His Son Jesus.

c.  The believer will fall prostate on his face before Jesus in fear and adoration.

d.  One will experience the Lord’s intercessory work, His hand reaching out to touch us and lift us up.

e.  The believer will witness and experience the Lord’s preeminence throughout all eternity.

4.  The transfiguration made the disciples witnesses of God’s approval of Jesus.


IV.  The Cloud enveloped both Jesus and the disciples.  Vs 7

A.  The sound of God’s voice caused fear and trembling.

1.      The bright Cloud, the Shekinah Glory, God’s presence

a.      The Cloud that led Israel out of Egypt

b.      Now above the Mercy Seat in the Most High Place in Heaven. 2Peter 1:17

2.    The bright Cloud overshadowing Jesus is in contrast to the dark and

Threatening Cloud that overshadowed the giving of the Old Covenant.

Exodus 19:18, 20:21

a.      The point is; the law is dark and threatening

b.      The new covenant, the love of Christ, is bright and is given to bless and save, not to threaten and condemn.  Hebrews 12:18-24

3.    The Voice of God,  “THIS IS MY SON, THE BELOVED ONE”


V.  The discussion;  “Risen from the dead”   Vs 8-13

A.     They were to tell no one until after the resurrection.

1.      Only then would they fully understand.

2.      Then they would realize the New Covenant had been fulfilled.

3.      The law [Moses] and the prophets [Elijah] had been manifested.


Conclusion: Restoration. When the church fully realizes that Jesus is Messiah.  The old has passed away with all its rules and traditions. Jesus has established that New Covenant.  His Glory manifested by the Holy Spirit in the believer.  He arose, He ascended and He is coming back again real soon!

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