

Spiritual Immaturity

Mark 9:14-29


This is Message #213 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: Jesus and the three disciples have just come from an encounter with God.  Don’t you know the presence of God was still on them.  The crowd saw it, the man in need saw it and came running.  The first thing Jesus encountered was questioning immature faith.  A chronic problem among believers.


I.  Spiritual immaturity.  Vs 17-18

A.     Spiritual immaturity belittles and shames.

1.      A great crowd had gathered at the foot of the mountain waiting His return.

2.      The Scribes were questioning and ridiculing and shaming the disciple there.

B.     The father brings the child to Jesus.  Vs 17

1.      The disease was epilepsy and demon possession, the cursed diseases.

a.      A condition that caused isolation and rejection by society.

b.      The man was very embarrassed because all eyes were on them.

2.      The father’s faith was weak.

a.   He was part of the faithless generation.  Vs 19

b.  He was told “if thou canst believe”  Vs 23

c.  He had to cry “help thou mine unbelief” Vs 24

d.  Weak faith was the reason the child was not healed.  Matthew 17:17

3.      Their ministry was powerless.  Vs 18c

a.            The disciples should have been able to deliver the child.

b.  These nine had been with Jesus all the time.

Thought: Why do God’s servants fail? Why does their faith weaken? Why do they lack power?

1.      A sense that Jesus is out of reach.

2.      Lack of leadership caused faith and loyalty to weaken.

3.      Unbelief and questioning of the Scribes distracted and sapped the disciples.

4.      An atmosphere of doubt, fear and unbelief will stifle faith and God’s presence.

5.      What happens when God’s servants have no power?

a.      No power causes embarrassment and shame.

b.      No power causes the world to question and ridicule and belittle.

c.       No power causes the questioning of God and His ability to deliver.

d.      No power questions the validity of Jesus and God.

e.      Note: The answer to no power is given by Jesus.

[By seeking]  [By prayer and fasting]  Vs 28-29

6.      The world discredits Jesus because of powerless ministries.


II.  Three areas of spiritual immaturity.  Vs 19-22

A.     Faithlessness, pitiful condition, and desperation

1.      The faithlessness of men grieves Jesus.

a.      Jesus rebuked the ones before Him, but it applies to us also.

b.      Having no faith has does sadden and brings sorrow to Christ. Vs 19b

2.  Who is being rebuked?

a.      The father was unbelieving

b.      The crowd was un-spiritual and worldly

c.       The disciples were ineffective and powerless

d.      The religionist was self-centered and critical.  Mark 3:5

3.  Second: the pitiful condition of a person’s need grieves Christ.

a.      The son was helpless, under the power of an evil spirit.  Vs 20

b.      This touched the heart of Jesus.

4.  Third: the desperate plight of loved ones grieves the Lord.

a.      Jesus cared for the father and the son.

b.      The father’s heart was broken because of his son’s condition.

c.       The fathers love drove him to Jesus.

d.      Jesus saw the father’s weak faith, but made him focus on the healer.

1.      Focus on his desperate need

2.      Focus on Jesus who stood before him

3.      Focus on Jesus who alone could help him

4.      Focus on Jesus so much that his faith would be stirred

e.         The man said two significant things to Jesus.

1.      “if thou canst do anything - - - help us”

2.      “have compassion on us - - - help us”

f.        Thought:  It is not so much our faith as it is our cry for mercy and compassion that arouses God to help us.


III.  Spiritual Blessings:  Vs 23-27

A.     Spiritual immaturity must be acknowledged to receive God’s blessing.

1.      All things are possible for Jesus.

2.      Jesus was teaching the principle of prayer and faith.  Mark 11:22-23, Hebrews 11:6

B.     Spiritual immaturity must be acknowledged by humility and a cry for help.

1.         The man was weak; he accepted the Lord’s word.

2.         He responded in humility and tears.  “Lord, I believe, help mine unbelief”  Hebrews 4:15-16, Isaiah 57:15

C.     Spiritual blessings are secured by Jesus’ Word and Power.

1.      Jesus healed the boy.

2.      It was the Word of Jesus that healed the boy; His Word broke the demon power.

3.      The evil spirit tore the boy once more and came out.

4.      Jesus took the boy’s hand and lifted him up healed and delivered.


IV.  Spiritual immaturity: Conquered.  Vs 28-29

A.     Spiritual power is available to the ‘conquered’.

1.      One must seek spiritual power.

2.      Immaturity can be conquered by prayer and fasting.

a.      A close relationship to God is a must.

b.      Putting things ahead of God must cease.

3.      Thought: God must be depended on more then food and things.

a.      Time to seek Him, fellowship with Him

b.      Desire His Presence more than anything

c.       Luke 11:9,  John 14:14,  Deuteronomy 4:29,  Jeremiah 29:13,  Proverbs 8:17


Conclusion: Restoration: Let us cure our immaturity by our prayer and fasting.  We must regain that faith and power for the church today.  This is what is going to bring Jesus back.


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