




God’s Messiahship

Mark 9:30-32


This is Message #214 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: In Jesus’ closing ministry, He is doing His best to establish with His disciples the difference between God’s Messiahship and man’s Messiahship.  He is trying to get the disciples to understand what His death and resurrection really means.


I.  Jesus is teaching Preparation.  Vs 30

A.     Here was a pivotal point in Jesus’ ministry.

1.      He had left Caesarea Philippi, a safe refuge, headed for Galilee and Jerusalem.

a.      The cross was right before His face.

b.      He moved quietly to and fro in Galilee.

c.       He was avoiding the big crowds.

d.      He was getting closer and closer to Jerusalem and the cross.

2.      All this time His consecration was on teaching the disciples.

a.      They were drilled on the fact Jesus was to die and rise from the dead in three days.

b.      This fact must be instilled in them, contrary to their thinking.

c.       They wanted the Messiah to rule and reign with power and authority.

d.      The disciples did not realize or understand Jesus had to suffer and die in order to save man.


II.  The death and resurrection of Jesus.  Vs 31

A.     Jesus taught that He was to die and rise from the dead.

1.      His teaching was a continuous process.

a.      He taught and taught, drilling the fact of His death and resurrection into them.

2.      Delivered means, “to be delivered over and into death”.

a.      It means that His death was determined, ordained, set in the plan and consul of God.

b.      Vs. 31  Note: Jesus said, “The Son of Man is delivered”.

c.       Now, His death is right before His face.

d.      God delivered Christ up to be betrayed.  Acts 2:23,  Romans 8:32

e.      Jesus delivered Himself up to be crucified.  Galatians 1:4, Ephesians 5:2,  Titus 2:14,  1John 3:16.

f.        Judas betrayed Him to the elders, chief priest, and Scribes.

3.      Note:  Several reasons Jesus repeated and repeated the fact.

a.      To enforce that He was “dying as a willing sacrifice”, not as a martyr or a mistaken man who thought he was Messiah. John 10:11-18

b.      To stress that He was “dying to redeem men”, just as God willed.      Romans 3:24-25,  Ephesians 1:7, 5:2,  Colosians 1:14,  Hebrews 9:12, 1Peter 1:18-19,  Revelations 5:9

c.       To assure that His death was deliberately planned in the purpose of God and that he was willingly dying to fulfill that purpose. Acts 2:23, Romans 8:32

d.      To keep the disciples from thinking the Messiah, the Son of God could never die.

e.      To drill His death into His disciples so they better understood the truth after the resurrection.


III.  The disciples response to Jesus’ teaching about His death.

A.     The disciples rejected what they did not wish to see.

1.      Jesus kept stressing the point; He was going to die.

a.      He was also going to be raised from the dead. 

2.      The disciples just could not accept the fact.

a.      They had been taught that Messiah was coming to free them from slavery and all bondage and suffering.

b.      Jesus taught the kingdom was at hand, ready to be established.

c.       The disciples had to un-learn beliefs and totally accept all of Jesus’ teaching.

3.      The disciples were spiritualizing His death and resurrection.

a.      They noticed a change in Jesus, knowing something was drawing Him forward to His destination.

b.      They asked themselves, What did this death and resurrection really mean?

1.       That He had to die to self, be ridiculed and shamed enough to rise up and establish His kingdom.

2.       That He had to die to self, reject the present order of things, and establish a higher order of things.

3.       That freeing Israel would be like death and the victory would take three days.

c.       The disciples did not understand and accept the fact.  Acts 28:27


Conclusion: Restoration: Looking again at the full meaning of the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, one must reaffirm their faith in God.  We must realize the power of the blood that was shed for our redemption.  The full reality is that we can have eternal life because of that eternal fact.


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