

Mark 9:33-37


This is message # 215 in the Redemption Series


Introduction: The disciples, on more than one occasion, argued over who should hold the highest positions in the kingdom.  They were looking for recognition and honor in an earthly kingdom.  At this time Jesus had to reeducate in their thinking.


I.                   Reeducation is needed by all men

A.     All men have the same needs for:

                  Some recognition          

Some authority

                  Some position              

Some esteem

                  Some prestige               

Some challenge

                  Some money                  

Some physical satisfaction

B.     Nothing wrong with these needs.

1.      They are human and legitimate needs and must be met.

2.      Must not be overtaken with selfishness

3.      Wrong when man begins to want more and more to the point of lusting and consuming.

4.      Wrong when man becomes prideful, covetous, worldly, ambitious, envious, and hurtful

5.      A devastating condition when one does everything and anything to fill their lust.

C.     What Christ desires to do is change lives and reeducate man’s concept of greatness.


II.                Jesus returns to Capernaum, His headquarters.

A.     Along the way the disciples were bickering and disputing among themselves.

1.      Disputing means, arguing, and bickering

2.      Consider how Jesus felt after all the teaching on His death and resurrection.

3.      How often He had explained the cross to them.

B.     Yet all they could think of was who was going to be the greatest.

1.      They had selfish motives.

2.      They didn’t think Jesus knew what they were discussing.

3.      Jesus asked a question, “What were you arguing about along the way?”

C.     A thought for us

1.      How often have we heard about the cross, and yet how easily we forget?

2.      Many have heard many times and have never responded, such cuts the heart of Christ.

3.      Many have heard and responded, yet:

a.      Continue to seek the things of the world, power, position, wealth, prosperity, fame

b.      Such also cuts the heart of Christ.

4.      Note: the man who pursues the world soon forgets the cross.

a.      He forgets that he “was purged from his old sins” 2Peter 1:9


III. Ambition can shame   Vs 34

A.     The disciples had been arguing over who would be greatest in Jesus’ government.

B.     Note several things about their argument.

1.      They were not looking at the greatest in quality or character, but in name and position.

2.      They had in mind terms of fame, power, wealth, position and name.

a.      They sensed Jesus was about to set up His kingdom, and they wanted to be in the right place to receive the high places.

b.      Jealousy arose because of Peter, James and John, who were in the ‘inner circle’, especially Peter.

c.       They misinterpreted Jesus’ words that He must die and arise again.

d.      They ‘spiritualized’ His words instead of taking them on face value.

e.      “Rising from the dead” was establishing His earthly kingdom.

3.      Regretfully, they did not understand what the kingdom was.

a.      They saw an earthly, temporal kingdom, not a spiritual, eternal kingdom.

4.      The disciples were smart; they “held their peace.

a.      They realized they were wrong and were ashamed and embarrassed.

b.      Division had come when ambition caused a quarrel and bickering.

5.      THOUGHT: Ambition that leads to argument and division is wrong.

a.      We all will answer to our reasoning and disputing. 2corinthians 5:10

b.      We will be called to give account for our disputes and account for our words. Matthew 12:27, Revelation 3:16-17.


III.             Ambition needs instructions.  Vs 35

A.     Jewish custom was to sit and teach.

1.      2Timothy 2:15-16

IV.              Ambition is a virtue.

A.     It must be pointed toward the right goal.

1.      It is not wrong to desire greatness, or make a contribution.

2.      Jesus did not rebuke their ambition, but directed it in the right direction.

B.     The way to greatness is service, humble service.

1.      If one wishes to be great, he must actively seek to serve.

2.      No matter one’s position or authority, he is to serve.

3.      Man’s ambition is not to rule, but to serve.

4.      One is to use his gifts and ability to serve, help minister to everyone.


V.                 Ambition for service proves one’s discipleship. Vs 36-37

A.     Here Jesus illustrates His point.

1.      He took a child in His arms.

2.      He emphasized that the qualities to receive a child are the ones that characterize ones life.

3.      One must treat all as when one receives a child.

B.     Note qualities present when a man receives a child into his arms.

1.      Receiving a child requires humility.

a.      A child requires love and teaches it.

b.      A child cares, forgives, and has trust and so on.

2.      Receiving a child requires courage.

a.      A child is a great responsibility.

3.      Receiving a child requires faith and trust.

a.      We believe a child will respond and learn.

4.      Receiving a child requires patience and endurance.

5.      Receiving a child requires forgiveness.

a.      A child falls and fails, the same mistakes made over and over.


Conclusion: Restoration.  As Jesus was teaching that every child has needs, so it is with the church.  Come back to that humble spirit to serve in time of need.  This will bring us into the presence of God.  Sanctification and holiness will come natural when we direct our ambitions more and more toward God.


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