

Mark 9:38-41


This is message #216 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: Last week Jesus taught on ambition and service. 

Today He teaches on tolerance.  What is tolerance?  What we will or what we will not accept.  Is tolerance a form of compromise? No, it is accepting or rejecting a persons beliefs or behavior. Examining as to whether it is healthy or hurtful to the welfare of others.


I.                   Tolerance: Jesus taught that His followers were to be received. Vs 38-39

A.    John felt quilt because he had rejected a man.

1.      He and the other disciples rebuked and stopped this man from ministering.

2.      Note John’s words, “He followeth us not”.

3.      The disciples stopped him because:

a.      He was not of their group

b.      Not in the inner circle

c.       Not called, or ordained by Jesus

d.      He had not been taught by Jesus

e.      He wasn’t as well educated and taught as they were

f.        He did not stand with them

g.      In their minds, theirs was the only way

B.    Note this about the man.

1.      He had somehow been influenced by Jesus

2.      He had strong faith in the Name of Jesus

3.      He had given himself to the ministry

4.      He was ministering to the most difficult cases, to the demon possessed.

5.      Even in an area the disciples had failed in

C.    Reasons why men oppose others, why they are not tolerant.

1.      Loyalty to a leader or an organization can lead to intolerance. Unacceptable

2.      Conviction of our own position and belief can cause intolerance. Unacceptable

3.      The need for unity can cause intolerance. Unacceptable

4.      Self-authority can cause intolerance. Unacceptable

5.      Jealousy and envy can cause intolerance. Unacceptable

6.      A sense of pride and arrogance can cause intolerance. Being better than others. Unacceptable

D.    Jesus rebukes the disciples for rebuking the man.

1.      Jesus laid down the conditions of tolerance. V.3

2.      Errors made by the disciples:

a.      Set themselves as judge of others

b.      They were to narrow, to exclusive

c.       Denied others the right to serve

d.      They wrecked the servants ministry

e.      They kept many from being ministered too

f.        They taught intolerance

3.      THOUGHT: intolerance has wrecked many lives and churches.

a.      Intolerance caused much strife and division, hurt and pain.

b.      It shames and ruins and paralyzes both individuals and churches.


II.                Speaking evil against ministries and Jesus.  Vs 39

A.    The first condition is, be tolerant if a man does not speak evil of Christ.

1.      One who ministers in Jesus’ Name is not likely to speak evil of Him.

2.      The one who does speak evil of Him is an enemy of Christ.  Philippians 1:15-18


III.             Tolerance, the second condition.  Vs 40

A.    Be tolerant if a man is not against Christ.

1.      Jesus said, “If one is not against us, he is with us.”

a.      Attitude: toward church, members, believers, Jesus.

b.      To speak evil of His followers is to speak evil of Him.

2.      We are to look at one’s actions, nothing else.

a.      Dress, education, labels, means nothing if:

b.      He has the spirit of faith, love, joy, peace, worship

c.       Not a spirit of unbelief, unforgiveness, self and sin

d.      This person is against us.

e.      Luke 16:13,  1Corinthians 8:10-12 [12]


IV.              Tolerance, the third condition is, kindness to followers of Christ.  Vs 41

A.    Jesus is talking about “giving in His Name”.

1.      Giving because one is a believer.

2.      The point is helping, giving to a person, “because he belongs to Christ”.

3.      Many people help and give to others because:

a.      The custom and practice

b.      The respectable thing to do

c.       Want recognition and honor

d.      Be embarrassed not to give

e.      Touched by the need

B.    The reward is promised for a specific act.

1.      Helping because he belongs to Christ

C.    The reward is given for the most simple and humble acts.

1.      A simple drink of water

2.      Thought: No act in Jesus Name is unnoticed

3.      God notices all things

4.      Our reward will not be lost. 1Corinthians 15:58

5.      Our reward is guaranteed. 2Corinthians 5:10

6.      Matthew 25:24-36, 40


Conclusion: Restoration.  If our God will receive all who come to Him asking forgiveness, shouldn’t we?  We must be tolerant toward those who are not ‘like us’.  Jesus made it very clear that when one comes, He will in no wise cast out.


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