The Problem of Divorce

Mark 10:1-12


This is Message #218 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: Marriage and divorce are always burning questions, extremely controversial within societies heavily influenced by Christianity.  What are said today are not my words or opinions but what Jesus said.


I.                     The two views on divorce

A.      There are two views that were then and even now.

1. The closed view that says divorce is never allowed by God.

a.        This view of thought was of the Shammai School, very conservative.

2. The more open view that said if there was a rife that could not be resolved, divorce is acceptable.

a.        This school of thought was the liberal Hillel School.

B.      The religionist, the Pharisees, were trying to entrap Jesus,

1. To entrap Him, they thought it would hinder or stop His ministry.

C.      Note several things:

1. There has always been a reluctance to express a difference of opinion, when a great number hold a particular position.

a.        Take for instance, slavery, smoking, drinking, gambling, cards, movies, television, dancing

2. Now, is it wrong to face these issues of marriage and divorce?

a.        No matter what opinions are prevalent?

b.      There are always many divorced people

c.       Remember this, most of them are in need of spiritual help.

d.      If God’s people don’t open their hearts, who will?

3. Many of these marriages face serious difficulty.

a.        Hardness and cruelty

b.      Physical and mental abuse that tear away

c.       No matter which is at fault, help is needed

4. Note what Jesus did. He did not hesitate to speak up and teach.

a.        We have to remember that this was a very controversial issue in that day.

1.    Jesus saw divorce as hardness of heart, Vs 5.

2.   Jesus saw marriage as God’s way since creation.  Vs 6

3.   Jesus saw marriage as the most precious bond, a bond that cleaves. Vs 7

4.   Jesus saw marriage as the closest of human bonds, two becoming one flesh.  Vs 8

5.   Jesus saw true marriage as a divine, spiritual bond wrought by God. Vs 9

6.   Jesus saw divorce and remarriage as adultery  Vs 10-12.


II.                   Jesus begins to minister in Judea  Vs. 1-2

A.      Crowds still flocked to see and hear Him.

1. The religionist was still trying to discredit and stop His ministry.

2.      They had one gigantic issue to entrap Jesus with, divorce.

3.      Reason: The Romans may take away their positions if another shows much authority.

B.      A closer look at the two schools of thought.  Vs 2-4

1. We have to remember that in Jesus day divorce was very common; very loose morals.

2.      Moses said a man could divorce his wife if:  “She finds no favor in his eyes, because he has found some uncleanness in her. Deuteronomy 24:1

3.      Because of the varied views, divorce was rampant in Jesus’ day.

C.      Jesus’ answer to the Pharisees Vs 6

1. God made them male and female, not males and females.

2.      God made one each made for each other, not anyone else.

3.      Vs 7 Man shall cleave to his wife, create a new family.

4.      Leave father and mother and become as one. Vs 8

5.      Not two or three person, but they are one.

6.      “What God joins together, let not man separate.”

7.      What God joins together, they are one, not two, and no one can cut asunder. Vs 9


III.                 Jesus saw divorce as hardness of heart.  Vs 5

A.      Moses in the Old Testament only ‘permitted’ divorce.

1. Man could have as many wives as he wanted.

a.        They were just property to do with as he desired.

b.      Man’s heart was hard toward women.

2. Old Testament required a “written contract of divorce.

B.      What Jesus saw in divorce was hardness of heart.

1. Divorce was a concession, not the will of God.

2.      Divorce was allowed only because man’s heart was hard, that is sin.

3.      Divorce was never willed and was not the purpose of God.


IV.                Jesus saw marriage as God’s way since creation. Vs 6

A.      “From the beginning of creation God made them [adam and Eve] male and female.

B.    Three points Jesus made.

1. God did not make man and woman plural.

a.        God did not make males and females, but one for each other.

2. Animals were created en masse, to be together with any and many.

a.        Man and woman were created differently and distinctive.

b.      Created as spiritual beings, much higher than animals.

c.       The truth: God created all animals en masse:

1.       Then God made man and woman, one with one, created to be together..

V.                 Jesus saw marriage as God’s way since creation. Vs 6

A.      Genesis 2:24, Cleaving and leaving, several truths:

1. One man shall cleave to one wife to create a new family.

2.      Man leaves his father and mother, leaving is permanent.

3.      Cleaving means a spiritual union given by God.

4.      Husband and wife are not to divorce one another.

a.        When a man leaves family, he is to “cleave to his wife”

b.      In this statement there is no hint of separation.

c.       Divorce tares down the structure of the family.

5. Father – mother – child – family – then just father and mother

1.       This is for life


VI.                Jesus saw marriage as the closest of human bonds.  Vs 8

A.      This is as two becoming one flesh.

1. Cleaving, spiritually by God moulds two into one.

a.        By God, they are meshed into one being.

b.      They are into one another, one body, one flesh, one person.

2. Husband and wife, not joined by two, three or four persons.

3.      The power of God is enormous when a couple obeys God.

a.        God cleaves them together as one person.


VII.              Jesus saw marriage as divine.  Vs 9

A.      A spiritual bond wrought by God

1. It is the “cleaving husband and wife” who are joined by God.

2.      Cleaving is not just meaning to hold by contact, or sex.

a.        Only God binds spiritually

3. Note: 1. Cleaving, 2. one flesh, physical union, 3. what God has joined together, spiritual union

a.        God rewards obedience, not disobedience.

4. No one can cut asunder what God puts together.

5. Ephesians 5:25-32, Christ and the believer


VIII.            Jesus saw divorce and remarriage as adultery. Vs 10-12

A.      Only one clear reason for divorce, adultery.

1. Remarriage commits adultery.

B.      Before Christ adultery was punishable by death.

1. Divorce was allowed if no alternative could be reached.

C.      Jesus makes clear in Matthew 19:8-12

1. Divorce is NOT God’s will

2. Men rebel at the strictness of Christ’ marriage.

3. How many truly cleave, to love 100% as one’s self?

4. There must be a death to self in order to cleave and be one flesh.

5. A new life, spiritually joined, glued together by God supernaturally.


Conclusion: Restoration: only God knows the truth of a marriage.   Man and woman can fake it. To make a marriage they are to be together as one, not separate.  Cleaving is only possible as each allows God to join them together into a spiritual union of marriage



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