Jesus Blesses the Children

Mark 10:13-16


This is Message # 219 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: In this passage we see Jesus act in two different manners.  One in anger and the other in love and blessing.  This is a powerful message to all of us.  Never neglect a child from seeing Jesus, regardless of age. The two areas we are to discuss today is the problem with children and the truth about children.


I.                    The problem with children.  Vs 13

A.      The scene was both touching and tragic

1.      Jesus became very angry

2.      He was filled and moved with indignation

B.      What the parents desired

1.      Brought, connection with offering, the child brought as an offering

2.      Brought simply for Jesus to touch

3.      For by touching, their children would be blessed

C.      The disciples were rebuking the parents for bringing their children to Jesus.

1.      Rebuke, means to actively hindering and reproving

2.      The disciples were holding and pushing them back

3.      Why? The disciples saw a problem with the children.

4.      The children were of no use in adult affairs and would disturb.

D.      The disciples, like many today, see children as problems.

1.      Children are totally dependant.

a.       Many were so young; they had to be brought to Jesus.

b.       Their place was off to the side, out of the way, seen but not heard.

2.      The children would cause frivolous pride.

a.       Parents have pride over their children

b.       The disciples attitude was wrong

3.      Children interfere with work

a.       They interrupt, distract, and even demand attention


II.                  The truth about children. Vs 14-16

A.      Jesus saw the children mistreated and He reacted.

1.      He was displeased, moved with indignation, was sore displeased

2.      He was expressing strong emotions, even violent emotions

B.      Jesus began to teach five truths about children.

1.      Children are invited to Jesus

2.      Children are citizens of the kingdom

3.      Children illustrate how one receives the kingdom

4.      Children are received and blessed by Jesus

5.      Children respond to Jesus

C.      One, children are to be invited to Jesus.  Vs 14

1.      Do not forbid them, don’t hinder, prevent

2.      Jesus called for and received children

a.       Many may have been too small to understand, but He was big enough to bless and see that it remained through eternity.

3.      We are not to stop children from coming to Jesus.

a.       A child learns love, by God

b.       A child grows, learning power and triumph

c.       A child grows, learning hope and faith

d.       A child grows, learning the truth of life and service

e.       A child grows, learning trust and endurance

f.        A child grows, learning peace

4.      A child’s mind is molded by those he is with

a.       Loose and immoral or the disciplined

b.       A child’s mind will be molded according to the parents

c.       1 Kings 22:52,  2 Chronicles 17:3,  2 Timothy 1:5

D.      Two, children’s are citizens of God’s Kingdom

1.      Little children are of God

2.      Little children show what man must be like to enter the kingdom of heaven.

a.       The nature, character, traits are seen in a child

b.       A child is dependant and trusting. [Mommy and Daddy]

c.       A child is responsive and submissive

d.       A child is obedient and learning

e.       A child is humble and forgiving


III.                Three.  Children illustrate how one receives the Kingdom.  Vs 15

A.      Man has to approach and receive God into his life as a child.

1.      Accepting God’s rule, reign and authority

B.      What did Jesus mean by the receiving of the Kingdom as a child?

1.      A child trust and depends on Jesus

a.       He senses the love, warmth and care of Jesus

2.      The child responds and surrenders to Jesus

a.       He is ready and willing to respond to Jesus

3.      The child is obedient to Jesus and is ever learning of Him

4.      The child is humble and forgiving


IV.                 Four. Children are received and blessed by Jesus.  Vs 16

A.      Jesus took them up in His arms and blessed them

1.      This scene is warm and full of love and care.

2.      Not so much that we touch Him but, that He comes and touches us.

a.       Our desire, for His touch, His anointing, His presence

b.       Note: Jesus desired to touch the children



V.                   Five. Children respond to Jesus. Vs 16

A.      They have nothing to give but themselves

1.      Their little hearts are tender and responsive to authority.

2.      They look to others to provide, teach, protect and care for them.

3.      They are ready and willing to respond

4.      All they need is for someone to present the warmth and tenderness and the love of Jesus.

B.      A child is never too young.

1.      2 Chronicles 24:1-2

2.      2 Chronicles 34:1-3  [16 years, 20 years]

3.      1 Samuel 2:26, 3:1, 

4.      Luke 2:49

5.      Matthew 21:15-16


Conclusion. Restoration.  Children are the life and future of the church. Yes, many will leave home, go else where, but many will stay.  Those that stay will be the ministers, elders, deacons, and teachers of their day.      


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