The Rich Young Ruler

Mark 10:17-22


This is Message # 220 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: Here is a picture of many today, rich, influential, in places of leadership in high places.  Many seeking eternal life, but still lacking in one of the most important areas, the giving of self and goods to the Lord.


I.                   Here was a rare young man of the day.  Vs 17

A.     We see two very important facts about him.

1.      He was conscientious, responsible, dependable

a.      These traits so often lacking in youths

b.      He was already in a place of leadership

2.      He was eagerly seeking eternal life.

B.     The dominant theme of the young man’s experience is his sincerity.

1.      His desperate search for eternal life

2.      Desperation, sincerity and eagerness are not enough to secure eternal life.

3.      Jesus stresses that just being desperate is not enough to obtain eternal life.

4.      Fact: Man has a problem seeking eternal life

C.     Note these FIVE things in this passage.

1.      A rich man sought Jesus

2.      Fact 1: To praise Jesus is not enough Vs 17

3.      Fact 2: To be respectable is not enough Vs 18

4.      Fact 3: To be loved by Jesus is not enough Vs 21

5.      Fact 4: To give everything is required Vs 21-22


II.                The rich young man sought Jesus Vs 17

A.     He sought Him with much urgency and desperation

1.      The man was eager, so eager he came running

2.      The man was humble; he fell at Jesus’ feet, showing much reverence.

3.      He addressed Jesus as “Good Master” in the proper and courteous manner.

4.      He was very concerned about his spiritual welfare.

B.     This individual demonstrated HOW one should seek eternal life.

1.      All his methods were right, he sought Jesus.

2.      He went to the right source

a.      He approached Jesus, the source of eternal life

b.      He confessed his need

3.      Two important facts about his seeking eternal life.

a.      He believed eternal life existed

b.      He openly stated his desire to obtain eternal life

c.       He was seeking peace, fulfillment and satisfaction


III.             The first fact to know about eternal life.  Vs 18

A.     Just to praise Jesus is not enough to receive eternal life.

 1.Note: He had praised and honored Jesus very much .

 2. He reverently sought Jesus, kneeling and casting himself at His feet.

 3. He addressed Jesus as “Good Master” meaning Good Teacher, Good Rabbi.

 4. He was implying Jesus was a great teacher of God.

B.     Jesus asked the question, “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is, God.”

 1.Jesus was saying, “God alone is good, no man is good, not in comparison to God, not good enough to even stand before God in righteousness.

 2. Jesus responded; “If I am but a mere man, a good teacher, then I am not good and do not have the words to eternal life; but if I am God, then you can address me as “good” and I do have the words of eternal life.

 3. Note two things:

a.      Jesus told the young man how to enter life. Jesus was saying, “I am God.”

b.      Jesus was correcting the young man.

1.      Stressing to him He was God, God’s own Son

2.      He was called the Son of God

3.      Jesus was trying to lead this man to the knowledge that He was the Son of God.

4.      He did possess the words of eternal life

5.      John 14:6-7, 1Timothy 2:5-6


IV.              The second fact to know, to be respectable is not enough. Vs 19-20

A.     He had a religion of works, not faith.

1.      He thought man himself could secure eternal life by being good.

2.      Just keep some great rules was enough.

3.      Live a good clean, moral life before God, He would accept him

4.      He believed his moral acts; good works would pile up points enough to make him acceptable to God.


B.     Next error, failing to love his neighbor as self.

1.      Jesus quoted the commandments

2.      He quoted the five dealing with your neighbor

3.      The man claimed to have kept them all

4.      He had, but not in the spirit God intended

5.      He was not generous enough to others

6.      Not giving, helping like he should

C.     Jesus was now ready to show him and lead him.

1.      Jesus wanted to change his thoughts from self righteousness

a.      He thought some laws were more important than others

b.      To keep God’s law and build up points would secure God’s approval.

2.      Thought:  Not the “good things I do” will secure eternal life.

a.      Matthew 7:22-23, Galatians 2:16, Titus 3:4-5


V.                 The third fact to know, to be loved by Jesus is not enough.  Vs 21

A.     As Jesus saw him, He loved him.

1.      Jesus saw into his inner being and saw his need and desire.

2.      Jesus saw his longing for eternal life.

B.     Remember that Jesus’ love is not enough.

1.      The man lacked one thing

2.      The Lord’s love cannot save if one refuses to surrender all.

3.      It is to surrender all we are and all we have.

4.      Matthew 23:37, Proverbs 1:24


VI. The fourth fact to know, to give everything is required for eternal life. Vs. 21-22

  A. Giving of everything was the one thing lacking.

1.      The one thing that causes many to lose eternal life.

  B. Jesus knew what the man was lacking.

1.      He was hording wealth instead of distributing it.

2.      He was missing what God had blessed him with

3.      He was failing to help his neighbor as he should

4.      A hard saying.  “ If thou wilt be perfect [receive heaven, really keep the commandments, as you say you have] then demonstrate to all publicly and without question, that you love your neighbor.  Go and sell all you have, and give to the poor, and come follow me.”

5.      When we deny self and give all we are and have

6.      1John 4:20

 C. The young man rejected Jesus for three reasons.

1.      Unbelief: He was not willing to trust Jesus as the Son of God

2.      Self righteousness and pride: religion and works, keeping laws

3.      Love of the world: rich and unwilling to give up the comfort and possessions

a.      Loved the things of the world more than people

b.      Loved things more than eternal life

c.       Loved position, recognition, esteem and power more than he loved Christ


VII. The most critical point of all.

A. How willing are we to give and sacrifice all?

1.Do we really take Jesus’ Word on face value?

2.Do we spiritualize and idealize what Jesus was saying?

3.Do we fear the strictness of Jesus’ words?

4.Do we lack faith within to really trust Christ?

B. God gives us talents to take care of our needs

1.After our needs are met, we are to help others.

2.The young man’s problem is still ours today

3.He did not believe heaven was glorious enough to give up his earthly possessions for.

4.Luke 12:33, Luke 6:38, 2Corinthians 9:6,1Timothy 6:17-18, Proverbs 22:9



Conclusions: Restoration.  What a lesson for us today!  How willing are we give up our life style to help others?  That is the thought for the day.



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