Wealth, Obedience, Rewards

Mark 10:23-31


This is Message #221 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: Today we look at the wealthy and the needs of the world and what Jesus said for one to do.


I.                   The definition of wealthy

A.    Riches:  Ch-re-mata in the original Gr.,  meaning: money, things, gadgets, what one has and uses. Material things or goods.

1.      It really means all the things a person has

2.      Anything that has value

3.       This Word applies to all generations

B.    Who are the rich?

1.      One who has more than enough to feed and cloth and meet the needs of their family

2.      This means putting back beyond our needs

C.    What Christ demands are that we give all that we are and have to meet desperate needs.

1.      Mark 12:41-43, Matthew 6:21


II.                Several pitfalls of the wealthy

A.    Tends to put all faith in riches, not God

1.      Trust is in the world and riches

2.      Trust oneself, their abilities, their energy and efforts

3.      One tends to be selfish and horde ones’ wealth

4.      1Timothy 6:9-10, Luke 12:19-20


III.             The rich do have many difficulties, spiritually.  Vs 25

A.    The problem, what do men do with their riches?

1.      Explain the eye of the needle

2.      Two explanations:

a.       The hole in the wall

b.      A ships rope through a small needle

B.    How does a rich man enter heaven?

1.      The same way anyone else does, through Jesus Christ.

2.      The willingness to give all of self and possessions

3.      Acts 4:34-35

4.      Today if we did that, we have the largest church in town for a while.

a.       When the rich are broke, the crowd will leave.


IV.              The vast rewards for following Christ.  Mark 10:28-31

A.    The problem of rewards: what one receives for following Christ. Five things to think about.

1.      Peter asked about rewards Vs 25

2.      He receives a hundred times what he gives up Vs 29-30

3.      He receives persecution Vs 30

4.      He receives eternal life Vs 30

5.      He receives an immediate assurance and warning Vs 31


V.                 Peter asked about rewards.

A.    He and the others were shocked at what Jesus had said.

1.      That a person must forsake all to enter Heaven.

a.       Thought: Peter didn’t sell all he had. [Later he went fishing again}

2.      Peter was sure that he and the other disciples were not holding back anything.

3.      Note the word “forsake”

4.      They had left all to follow Jesus.

a.       This is not deserting or ignoring or shirking one’s duty or responsibility.

b.      They said, “We have followed you, the Messiah”.

c.       When we leave all and follow Jesus, there is a reward.


B.    Jesus said all true disciples would be rewarded. Vs 29-30

1.      When all is given in the right motive

2.      A hundred times what he has given up and sacrificed

3.      Don’t always count money or possessions as wealth

4.      How do we give our all?

5.      An evangelist is away from home often

6.      A minister is on call always.  [Ex. 336 hours a week]

C.    A reward: the fellowship with believers, a spiritual bond

1.      Why is it important to bond with a fellowship?

2.      1 John 1:7, Matthew 18:20, Romans 12:5, Psalm 119:63, 

Malachi 3:16


VI.              Jesus is laying down God’s principle of finances.  Vs 30

A.    This is astounding to the world, but not to the Christian.

1.      To obtain, one must first seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness first.

2.      He simply gives all he is and all he has to the Kingdom of God.

3.      As the believer keeps on giving of himself and what he has, God will keep on giving to the believer.

B.    The true believer WORKS so he will have enough give to others.

1.      It is a continuous process

2.      A believer works and earns and gives

3.      God’s way: get and give, get more and give more

C.    No, we cannot meet all the needs of the world, but we can drop our pebble in the sea of need.

1.      Matthew 6:33, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Exodus 23:25, Psalm 23:5,

Malachi 3:10


VII.           We are rewarded for persecution Vs 30

A.    Persecution and suffering will cause a very closeness to Christ.

1.      Matthew 5:11-12, 2Timothy 3:12, 1Peter 3:14

2.      Rejoice, don’t pout!


VIII.        Greatest reward of all, eternal life.

A.    A reward here and an in “the world to come”

1.      Ruling and reigning in a new heaven and earth

2.      John 5:24

B.    Judgment will come to all.  Vs 31

1.      God will change and reverse things in heaven

2.      Many that are now first will be last and those last will be first.

3.      The idea is that most people will be switched in heaven.

4.      2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Corinthians 3:13-15, Psalms 75:7


Conclusion. Restoration.  We in today’s society cannot operate as the church in Acts, but we can give and help the need.  Jesus said for us to serve Him, because you will have the poor with you always.

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