Third Prediction of Jesus’ Death

Mark 10:32-34


Message #222 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: This is the third time Jesus had spoken to the disciples about His death. Even then they did not fully understand the total impact of what He said.


I. Five points on how Jesus deals with death.

A.      Jesus is very straightforward concerning His death.

1. Jesus’ iron determination,  Vs 32

2. Jesus’ amazing drawing power,  Vs 32

3. Jesus’ thoughtful consideration, Vs 32

4. Jesus’ magnificent love and courage, Vs 33

5. Jesus’ great purpose, Vs 34


II. There was the iron determination of Jesus.

A.      Jesus had set his course for Jerusalem.

1.       He became very engrossed in thought as they walked.

a.        The thought of the cross lay ahead

b.        Time had come, His last trip to Jerusalem

c.        To receive the baptism, the immersing of the cross.

2.       He became so engrossed; He lost conscienceless of all that was around Him.

a.        God gave Him a spirit of determination

b.        A determination so strong he quickened His pace.

c.        He moved ahead a ways from the disciples

d.        The disciples were amazed and were afraid

B.      He was driven, constrained, pressed, compelled, determined to bear the suffering of the cross.  Why?

1.       The cross was the way to save the world.

a.        John 3:16, John 12:32, 1Peter 2:24, 1Peter 3:18

2.       The cross was the way to please the Father.

a.        John 5:30, John 12:27-28

3.       The cross was the way to assure His own joy.

a.        Hebrews 12:2


III.  The amazing drawing power of Jesus. Vs 32

B.      The people’s reaction to Jesus: amazed and afraid.

1. Jesus’ behavior was very unusual

2. He always took this time to teach and fellowship as they walked.

3. The disciples knew something very serious was occupying His thoughts.

4. He was so deep in thoughts; He lost all sense of where He was.

5. His focus was only on what was before Him.

6. Even after His telling them, they did not understand His actions.

C.      Despite their fear, they kept following Jesus.

1. They were not willing to forsake Him.

2. They were drawn to Him because of love.

3. He was their love, all that was worth following.

4. 1John 4:18


IV.   Jesus’ thoughtful consideration of those around Him Vs 34

D.      These three important lessons apply to us also.

1. Jesus will always meet our need, no matter how small or large.  Isaiah 12:2

2. It is not Jesus’ will for us to be bewildered or gripped by fear.  2Timothy 1:7

3. We are to walk by faith.  Hebrews 10:38-39


V.   Jesus shows His great love and courage  Vs 33

A.      This was His willingness to be sacrificed for mankind. John 10:17-18

1.       Jesus knew what was facing Him in Jerusalem.

a.        He was to be delivered and condemned by Jews

2.       It means His death was already determined, ordained, set in the plan ordained by God.

a.        Jesus said; “The Son of Man shall be delivered”.

3.       Jesus had already named the men who would kill Him.

a.        He would be betrayed by Judas

b.        Turned over to the elders, chief priest and scribes to be condemned.

c.        They would turn Him over to the Gentiles to be crucified.


B.      Remember both Jews and Gentiles crucified Jesus.

1.       The Gentiles, Romans crucified Him with four types of punishment.

a.        Mockery: to ridicule, scorn, insult, humiliate, jeer

b.        Scourge: to beat with a rod or whip

c.        Spitting: a sign of utter contempt

d.        Crucify: the terrible suffering of the cross

C.      Jesus bore the sins of men, suffering the ultimate degree of pain. Titus 2:14

1.       Mentally: He was thinking about the sins of man

a.        What problem it caused God

b.        Jesus was suffering mentally to the ultimate degree

2.       Spiritually: His heart was being broken.  2 Corinthians 5:21

a.        Those He loved so much committing such a sin

b.        Even His Heavenly Father was to turn His back

3.       Physically: Even greater because of the mental and spiritual pressure.  Isaiah 53:4-7

a.        Think: The crown of thorns, the royal robe, the mockery

b.        Worse because Jesus claimed to be the Son of God.

c.        How great, because He was willing to bear so much for us.


VI.  The great purpose; He was to die and rise again.

A.       He was consumed and obsessed with the cross because it was the focus of God’s purpose throughout eternity.

1.       The cross was dear to Him because it was His Father’s will.

a.        In dying he pleased the Father.  John 10:18

2.       The cross was dear to Him because it was a way to gain many brothers.  Galatians 4:4-6

3.       The cross was dear to Him because he was to become the Captain of Man’s Salvation. Hebrews 2:9-10

4.       The cross was dear to Him because He was to reconcile man to God and Himself. Ephesians 2:13-16

5.       The cross was dear to Him because He was to destroy the power of the devil. Hebrews 2:14-15

6.       The cross was dear to Him because:

a.        Through death he was to rise again and return to His former glory.

b.        There He was to prepare for us, His body.

c.        Then He is to come again and take us to where He is.

d.        John 17:4-5. 24


Conclusion: Restoration; Thank God Jesus was obedient to God’s divine purpose for us.

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