
Mark 10:35-45


This is Message # 223 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: A trait that each of us should have.  Ambition can work for good or bad.  Jesus had been preparing Himself as well as telling His disciples what was going to happen.  They were excited because of the magnitude of the event. They thought Jesus was going to set up His earthly kingdom and place the disciples in the choice positions of authority and leadership.  There were two who were very ambitious and asked Jesus for a very special favor. James and John were trying to secure themselves the choice positions with Jesus.


I.                   The deceitfulness of wrong ambition.  Vs 35

A.     They made a sly approach to Jesus

1.      They wanted the upper hand on the other disciples.

2.      They wanted an inside track in the new government.

B.     This evil ambition was sneaky and consuming them.

1.      Even using people, even loved ones

C.     Note the word of appeal.

1.      “Do for us whatsoever we shall desire”

2.      They wanted Jesus to say yes before He knew their request.

3.      That is because they knew they were wrong.  Bad ambition

D.    Thought: Evil ambition is always deceitful and sneaky.  One will sneak to get things, sneak for things of the flesh and misuse people.  Matthew 23:12

II.                Jesus asked what their request was. Vs 36-37

A.     The answer was quick and to the point.  “Grant us - - - - “

1.      They were extremely ambitious, wanting the top positions in the new government.

2.      Remember ambition can be good or bad.

B.     These two, along with Peter, were in the inner circle with Jesus.

1.      Thinking favoritism was working for them.

2.      Because of this, they were to get top positions.

3.      Thought: Feeling special, pride, as if we were God’s special or favorite child; maybe the ‘gifted one’ due more favor than others.

4.      Acts 10:34

III.             The selfish motive of wealth

A.     Note: Zebedee, the father of James and John was wealthy.

1.      He owned a large fishing fleet.

2.      They knew wealth carried weight.

3.      Mark 4:19

B.     Their motive was power, position, influence, and authority.

1.      They wanted to be next to Jesus in this authority.

2.      Thought: Man thinks in terms of position and influence.  Even in church, many want that position next to the pastor, the leader, seeking favor.

3.      1Corinthians 10:24 

C.     Seeking social status

1.      Even with that motive, there was their love, faith and loyalty.

2.      When ambition is rooted in God, it is healthy.  Ephesians 6:24


IV.              The great price of ambition, Christ baptism. Vs 38-39

A.     Jesus answered; “Can you go through the terrible experience I have to suffer?  Can you drink the cup of my terrible agony, or my inward agony or pain?  Can you bear the baptism of my terrible suffering?

1.      The answer was ‘yes’, but that was ignorance answering.

2.      Thought: Jesus challenges each of us, we are to drink His cup and be baptized with His baptism.  We are to get the gospel out at all cost.  We are to fulfill His mission.  We are to say yes, even not knowing the price to pay.

3.      Luke 9:23-24

V.                 Jesus states, it is God’s call, not mine. Vs 40

A.     Jesus said yes, some will sit on the right hand and left, but it is for those for whom it is prepared.

1.      God determines the right to reign, and He alone.

2.      John 12:26, Colosians 3:24

VI.              Reaction of others to James and John.  Vs 40

A.     Anger was aroused, tempers flared and arguments started.

1.      The ten were very indignant with James and John.

2.      Bitterness was bred in the hearts of the ten.

3.      Discord was threatened, unity was being shattered

B.     Selfish ambition can cause terrible things among men.

1.      Jealously, hatred, envy, strife, bitterness, anger, = = = =

2.      Proverbs 17:19, 25:27

VII.           There is greatness to good ambition.  Vs 42-44

A.     There is good and true ambition, as well as bad and false.

1.      The world’s view of ambition is seeking more and more.

2.      The internal view, recognition, position, influence, wealth, things

3.      The external view, home, wealth, gadgets, position, fame, social standing

B.     The Lord’s view of Ambition is fourfold.

1.      It is not exercising lordship, seeking chief positions, not self centered and selfish.

2.      Greatness in the eyes of God, not man.

3.      One seeks to minister, looks for a place to minister.

4.      One to be a servant to all, a bond slave.

VIII.        Jesus, the supreme example of ambition.  Vs 45

A.     He set His face like a flint to accomplish His purpose.

1.      The supreme humiliation, coming to earth, the Son of Man.

2.      The supreme mission, He came to Minster

3.      Only three years, He came to save men, but they killed Him.

4.      But now He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords

5.      The supreme price: He gave His a ransom for many

6.      Ransom; means setting loose in the Old Testament, for a price

7.      New Testament, exchange, Christ gave His life in exchange, a substitute for many

8.      It is a substitution in behalf of us all

9.      Hebrews 9:13-14, 25, 26 


Conclusion: Restoration.  Let our ambition be centered on serving Jesus.  We do not need to let all our attention be centered on our wants and desires.  One must channel one’s ambitions on the things of God, not self.


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