Being Persistent

Mark 10:46-52


This is Message # 224 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: This is a picture of a man’s desperation for help.  It is the attitude all must take when seeking a touch from Jesus.  He was not willing to give up in the midst of discouragement and opposition.


I.                   Bartimaeus, a blind man, sitting besides the road begging. 

A.     A picture of the world’s blindness, darkness and needs of a world in desperate need.

1.      The help needed could be, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual.

2.      The problem could be with the mind, some desperate loneliness or tragic sin.

3.      This passage spells out how to get help.

B.     Note the various steps:

1.      Believing the reports about Jesus  Vs 47

2.      Acknowledging personal needs  Vs 47

3.      Persisting, preserving after Jesus  Vs 48

4.      Eagerly expecting to receive from Jesus  Vs 49-50

5.      Requesting precisely what is needed  Vs 51-52

6.      Following Jesus  Vs 52


II.                Jesus had been in Jericho for a while.

A.     A very important city, with a main commercial hi-way through the city.

1.      It was about seventeen miles from Jerusalem.

B.     It was Passover season; meaning thousands of people would be passing through the city.

1.      Bartimaeus knew this, and knew the many religious people who came by would be generous.

2.      It is possible he had heard about Jesus and that He was in Jericho.

3.      He chose a spot on the outer limits of the city where Jesus would have to pass.


C.     Thought: A man must go where he knows Jesus will be, where He will pass by.  He must go where one can hear Jesus, or perhaps miss eternal life.   Luke 11:10


III.             All must believe the report about Jesus.  Vs 47

A.     Bartimaeus hears all kind of noise, animals, speaking, laughter, children playing while sitting there.

1.      All of a sudden the talk and noise changed.

2.      A multitude of people talking about Jesus.

3.      This was the sound He was waiting too hear.


B.     Bartimaeus had been blind for years or all of his life.

1.      A beggar with no one to care for him.

2.      Something great was about to happen in his life.

3.      He had heard of the one called Jesus of Nazareth.

4.      Hope swelled up on the inside of him.

5.      He knew he was going to be healed today.

6.      From the first day he heard Jesus was coming, his hopes were high believing He would pass by.

7.      He believed what he heard, that Jesus opened blind eyes, healed the sick, cast out devils.

C.     Thought: We must believe the testimony about Jesus.  Bartimaeus had nothing but what he had heard and was told about Jesus. He heard He was the Son of David, the coming Messiah.  He believed the testimony about Jesus.

D.    John 5:24,  John 20:31


IV.              We must be willing to acknowledge our personal need. Vs 47

A.     When Bartimaeus heard it was Jesus, he began shouting.

1.      He was so loud it could be heard over the noise of the crowd.

2.      He acknowledged and confessed Jesus publicly.

3.      There was nothing secret about his approach to Jesus.

B.     He wanted help from Jesus.  Note two facts:

1.      First: He cried out, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.”

a.      He approached Jesus as his hope, his savior, his deliver and his leader.

b.      He used the knowledge he had of Jesus to cry out to Him.

                Thought: No man has an adequate concept of Jesus at first.

                 Time with Jesus and the Holy Spirit teaches us Christ.

2.      Second: He cried out for Mercy, nothing else.

a.      He cried not for material things, just mercy.

b.      Luke 18:13-14


V.                 We must be persistent and perseving after Jesus.

A.     Many in the crowd tried to hush him up.

1.      He was desperate and determined, in dead earnest

2.      Nothing was to discourage him, or silence him

3.      His cry, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me”

4.      He would not stop seeking to have his need met

5.      His faith in Jesus was strong, he knew Jesus would help

6.      His voice stood against all the voices of discouragement, against the feeling that all was useless.

B.     Resistance always grabs the Lord’s attention.

1.      Jesus already knew what the blind man’s needed and wanted.

2.      Jesus had heard his cry for MERCY.

3.      He desired for Bartimaeus to be persistent, not give up.

C.     Why does Christ teach perseverance instead of just meeting our needs? Five reasons:

1.      One: To persevere sharpens, increases and grows our faith, teaches endurance, victorious living and hope. Romans 5:2-4

2.      Two: To persevere sharpens our minds.  Gives more time to study, search and meditate.  It focuses on our need.

3.      Three: Teaches us to pray and seek God more.  Creates more awareness of our helplessness and our need for His presence and help.

4.      Four: Having to persevere gives us an inner feeling that God needs us and serving Him is a great privilege.

5.      Five: Having to persevere allows more time for more to be saved and be filled with the Holy Spirit.


VI.              We must be eager to receive help from Jesus.  Vs 49-50

A.     There are two important facts here.

1.      Jesus stood still, because;

a.      There was a need and help was needed to get to him

b.      Because he was persistent in crying for help

c.       Jesus never turned away from one’s cry for help

2.      Bartimaeus cast aside all hindrances, with all eagerness went to Jesus.  Ephesians 4:22,

      Hebrews 12:1, Job 11:14


VII.           We must be precise in our request.  Vs 51-52

A.     Note several facts here

1.      He did not waver when he asked Jesus that he might see.

2.      When he said LORD, this was a personal commitment to Jesus.

3.      He was saying, “My Master”, his heart was reaching out

4.      Note: This specific request got a specific answer.

5.      “Thy faith hath made thee whole”


VIII.        We must follow Jesus.  Vs 52

A.     Jesus told him to “Go thy way”

1.      No way he was going leave the ‘Sight Giver”

2.      So he “followed Jesus in the way”

B.     Several lessons for today:

1.      There was a heart of appreciation, of being grateful and thankful.

2.      The geniuses of conversion, he followed through

3.      Growing to maturity, learning of Jesus

4.      Our testimony of loyalty and faithfulness.   1Cor 15:58


Conclusion. Restoration:  Our goal today should be as persistent and determined as was Bartimaeus.  Not allowing any opposition or obstacle separates us from getting Jesus’ attention.  What is your need?  Jesus will save, deliver and heal today.



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