The Triumphant Entry

Mark 11:1-11


This is Message # 225 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: Several significant points needs be made about Jesus’ ministry in Jerusalem.  The first three gospels say very little about His Jerusalem ministry. The first three gospels concentrate on His ministry in Galilee and the Gospel of John brings to light His ministry in Jerusalem.


I.                   John indicates that Jesus was in Jerusalem often.

A.     There are several references to His attending the great feast.

1.      His visits there were very different to Galilee.

2.      There His theme was on His Messiahship.

3.      The reason:

a.      Jerusalem was the capitol of Palestine.

b.      The temple was there.

c.       Jerusalem was the hub and center of Jewish life and worship.

d.      The major population was there.

e.      The temple required over twenty thousand priest alone, not counting the Levite helpers.


4.      Jerusalem, the hub of all races, all sorts of men.

a.      It was to hear God’s Son, Jesus.

b.      He was to proclaim Great love for all mankind.

c.       To proclaim so no one could say, “I don’t know”


II.                No louder declaration of His Messiahship than the event about to happen.

A.     The scene:  Jesus deliberately proclaiming He was “The Son of the Living God.”  Matthew 16:16

1.      He was sending a message to all people.

2.      They must change their way of thinking.

3.      He was not coming as a national hero.

4.      He was coming as King of Peace.

5.      His purpose was to save the world spiritually and eternally.

6.      Spiritual and eternal salvation must come first.

7.      First He was to come as the King of Peace, then He would come as the King of Conquest.



III.             Four scenes portrayed in this passage.

1.      The colt, Christ came in peace.

2.      The triumphant entry, Christ came to save [Hosanna]

3.      The investigating of the temple, Christ came obediently.

4.      His seclusion in Bethany, Christ prepared spiritually.


IV. The colt, which symbolizes that Jesus came in peace  Vs 1-7

A.     Note the detail instructions Jesus gave to the two disciples.

1.      Jesus was deliberately fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9

a.      The warning that the King was coming.

b.      Part of their expectation was correct

c.       Their expectancy and ideas were dangerous

d.      “The King cometh” but He came somewhat differently to what was expected.


2.      The Messiah was coming in meekness, not as a reigning monarch

a.      He was coming to win men’s heart and lives spiritually.

b.      Was not coming physically and materially

3.      “The King cometh, sitting on an ass”

a.      He was coming, not riding on a white stallion as the conquer.

b.      He came as a King of Peace, riding a young colt

c.       He was coming to reconcile the world to the God of love and reconciliation.

d.      Not as a God of hate and retaliation and war

e.      He came not to kill men, but win men’s heart through the good news that God loves and reconciles.   Luke 1:78-79

4.      Look at the colt.

a.      In ancient days the colt was a noble animal.

1.      It was a beast of burden, one of service

b.      Used by kings and their emissaries

2.      When they entered a city in peace, they rode on a colt.

3.      This symbolized their peaceful intent

c.       Note the contrast

5.      When a king entered a city as a conqueror, he rode on a stallion.

6.      Jesus was demonstrating two things:

a.      He was unquestionably the promised King, the Savior of the people.

b.      He was not coming as the conquering king.

Thought: The colt was a symbol of peace.  Jesus was to bring peace.  The colt symbolized service, Jesus came to serve men.  The colt symbolized sacredness, it had never been ridden before, and this points to the sacredness of this event. Jesus was the Sacred Hope, the promised Messiah.


V. The second scene, the triumphant entry. Vs 8-10

 A. Christ was coming to save.

1.      There were many, a great multitude

2.      They were proclaiming Jesus to be the Messiah

3.      One that was coming to deliver from the bondage of Roman and Gentile rule.

4.      He was coming to save spiritually, not militarily

 B. Many had joined the multitude because of the miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead.

  1.Many on the way to the Passover Feast joined the crowd

  1. News spread among the multitude, “The Miracle Worker” is the Messiah, and then joined the crowd.

C. They received Him as King.

1.They stripped off their clothes, coats

2.They cut branches and strew in the path

3.Acts of homage to a king

4.Act showing Him that they received Him as the promised Messiah, King of Israel.

 D. The cry. Hosanna!

1.      Means save now, or save we prey

2.      “Blessed - - - - of the Lord” means one sent by God.

3.      “In the highest” Save now through Him whom You have sent.


VI.  Jesus was investigating the temple

  A. He entered the temple and just stood and looked around.

1.      At this time it took great courage just to stand.

2.      At this time the Jewish authorities were looking for an opportunity to kill Jesus.

3.      Why? Because He had not discouraged the homage paid Him:

a.      The Romans sensed there could be an uprising

b.      The Jewish Herodians feared there positions

c.       The Pharisees were stirred to new depths of envy and malice.


B.     Jesus had to stand and watch to do God’s will.

1.      He had to investigate God’s house

2.      He had to prepare for the salvation of God’s people.

3.      He had come to obey God. John 5:30, Hebrews 5:8

Thought: Two lessons, we are to obey, no matter the threat or opposition, and to investigate a situation that involves corruption.

C.     Jesus went back to Bethany

1.      Now was a time of spiritual preparation

2.      Much time was to be spent in prayer

3.      He needed the strong hand of the Father to uphold Him.


Conclusion:  Restoration.  In obedience is what Jesus was doing.  Each step Jesus took was ordained by God.  Nothing was just happened so.  Jesus sought His heavenly Father for direction.  If Jesus did, shouldn’t we?

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