Jesus’ Authority Questioned

The Authority of Jesus Questioned

Mark 11:27-33


This is message #228 in the Restoration Series


Introduction: This event began a series of six combative situations for Jesus.  Both religious and civil leaders confronted Jesus head on.  Their objective was to trap Him and discredit Him, so they could kill Him.  According to scripture, all these events took place on a Tuesday.  This time it was the exposing of the self-righteous and the unbelief of the religious, leaving no doubt that they were unworthy of God’s Kingdom.  Obstinate unbelief will doom any man.


I.               Jesus was in the temple.  Vs 27

A.    Jesus was walking through the temple meditating and praying.

1.     Two arcades surround the Court of the Gentiles.

a.     There was an east side and a south side.

b.     The east arcade was known as Solomon’s Porch

2.     Several biblical events took place in this arcade.

a.     John 10:23,  Acts 3:11,  Acts 5:12

3.     The arcade provided several uses, a place to teach large numbers, also a shelter from the elements.

B.    Jesus was apparently walking alone in one of these arcades.

1.     He was met by an official delegation from the ruling body.

a.     The chief priest, the Scribes, and the elders

b.     They were upset, mad, infuriated, enraged

2.     All this happened after the triumphant entry and the people paying homage to Jesus and accepting Him as Messiah.

a.     Several acts:  His cleansing the temple

b.     Disrupting the money grabbing schemes of the priest.

c.     Jesus healing the blind and lame

d.     The worship of the children

e.     These thing created a crisis in the ruling body

3.     The question was asked, “Who does this Jesus of Nazareth think He is?”

C.   This question was asked in contempt, not seeking.

1.     This was an attempt to discredit Jesus

2.     It was not to learn what truth was and who He was.

3.     Their own positions, esteem and gain were disturbed.

4.     They were griped with an un-shakable, unbelief, refusing the truth.


II.             The question of Jesus’ authority.  Vs 28

A.    This was the basic question that should have been asked.

1.     One question to probe into the very nature of Jesus.

a.     What was His authority?

b.     Who sent Him?

c.     Who empowered Him?

d.     What gave Him the right to do what He was doing?

e.     Where had He come from?

B.    The leaders wanted to know what right He had to interfere with their lives and area of responsibility.

1.     Were they not the guardians and rulers of the temple?

2.     Were they not the teachers of the people?

3.     Jesus was really interfering and interrupting in their affairs.

C.   By what authority doest thou these things?

1.     How could He march into the city, receive the homage of the people and be proclaimed messiah?

2.     Note again what Jesus did; He healed the sick, cleansed the temple, worship of the children.

3.     The questions that were asked would determine their eternal fate.

 Thought: Every man needs to ask, what is the authority, the explanation for the works of Christ?  The works of Jesus: ministry, preaching, teaching, healing, calming the storms, dying and fulfilling scripture, rising again, ascending again to heaven.

4.     “Who gave thee this authority?”  He was claiming:

a.     To be the promised Messianic King by entering the city as He did.

b.     To be the Head, the God of the Temple, My house

c.     To be the Light of the World to the blind, the Healer to the lame.  Matthew 21:14

d.     To be the Messianic fulfillment of scripture by receiving the praise of the children

5.     The authorities knew who He was claiming to be.

A.    They just rejected His claim and refused to believe.

1.     They chose the course of obstinate unbelief.

2.     They had proof, but still refused to believe.

B.    Two answers to the question about who Jesus is.

1.     If He said His own authority and power, they would have said, “great imposter”.

2.     Then the authorities would have the right to discredit Him as an imposter.

3.     Second: He was acting by the power of God and to be of God.

4.     Jesus made this claim over and over.

5.     This claim was not made before the authorities, but ones who would accept.

C.   The leaders were asking basic questions asked by all men.

1.     Who gave Jesus His authority?

2.     Who is He?

3.     A mere man or truly the Son of God?

4.     Is He of God or of man?

5.     Is His authority of men or from within?

6.     Is it of His own nature or God’s nature?


III.           The choices for man.  Vs 29-32

A.    It was illustrated by John the Baptist

1.     Jesus knew what they were plotting.

B.    Note what Jesus did.

1.     Met them on their own terms and ground.

2.     He would answer if they answered first.

3.     Second: He formulated and asked a question that was astounding in it’s effect.

a.     It answered there question

b.     It silenced them, if answered it would indict them

c.     It ended the discussion

d.     It revealed their unbelief and made them inexcusable before God.

C.   The question.  Vs 30

1.     Was John from God?

2.     If so, was Jesus from God?

3.     If Jesus were from God, then John would not lie.

4.     John 1:29-34

5.     Was John a mere man?

6.     If so, then Jesus could be a mere man



D.   Note Vs 31, “they reasoned”

1.     They discussed their answer

2.     Because this was a planned attack against Jesus

3.     Note what each answer would be.  Vs 32-33

E.    They were committing a three-fold sin.

1.     They deliberately denied Jesus, not willing to confess, afraid of the loss of position, power, wealth, esteem, image and security.

2.     They feared men, the abuse, ridicule and persecution

3.     They chose ignorance because it would expose their unbelief.

a.     Expediency rather than principle

b.     To play it safe rather than stand for truth

c.     To lie and say ‘I don’t know’ rather than speak the truth

Thought: Man today has to make that same choice, Is Jesus the Son of God, the Savior?

John 1:29,  John 14:10



IV.           The Tragic answer - - - No decision, no answer.  Vs 33

A.    They said NO, but knew that John the Baptist was of God.

1.     They were not willing to risk position, prosperity and security.

2.     They loved the world more than God.

3.     No decision made

4.     They would not allow themselves to be convinced

5.     Luke 16:31

6.     The same question posed today, “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God?”


Conclusion: Restoration.  Restore back the authority of Jesus in the church.  When His authority, His Holy Spirit is brought back, doubt, fear and unbelief will have to go.  His presence will be so great that unbelief; doubt and fear of men will be gone.  Let us all get hungry for His presence, have passion over pride.


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