Proof of Resurrection

Proof of Resurrection

Mark 12:18-27


This is lesson #229 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: In these verses Jesus teaches the real meaning of the resurrection, not about marriage in heaven. So many today try magnifying the minor and really missing the true meaning of the teaching.  This is the third time Jesus has been confronted this day.


I.               It is still Tuesday of the Lord’s last week.

A.    His authority has been challenged to the limit.

1.     First: The chief priest and elders had challenged His authority.

a.     Jesus had met the challenge head on

b.     His greatest concern was that Israel was rejecting the Messiah.

c.     They were putting God’s Son to death

2.     Second: The confrontation by the Herodians and Pharisees.

a.     They were trying to pit Him against the people and the government. [Taxes]

b.     He met the challenge and sent His challengers away empty handed.

c.     All this was pressing and weighing heavy on Him.

3.     Third: the Sadducees, the religious and political liberals of the day.

a.     They to were trying to out argue and discredit Jesus.

b.     Because of there view of the resurrection, it caused them to stumble at the spiritual and supernatural.

c.     Their liberal position caused them to feel threatened and needed to oppose Jesus.

1.     People were coming to Jesus soaking up His teaching.

2.     This meant the Sadducees were losing their grip on the people.


II.             The Sadducees deny the resurrection.  Vs 23

A.    Many down through the ages have scoffed at the resurrection.

1.     Note the argument of the Sadducees.  Deuteronomy 25:5-6

a.     This was Moses’ law

b.     Assured two things

1.     The family name continued

2.     Property holding were kept in the family

                                  2.They presented a logical situation that could or could not have

                                      happened.  Vs 19-22     

a.     In the Sadducees mind regardless of how absurd, whose wife was she?

                                 3. Note three things in reading verses 23-27.

a.     The question was a mocking, cold, and course, egotistical and unbelieving, regrettable and revolting, self-incriminating and self-condemning.

b.     There argument thought to be iron clad, though it pointed out how foolish the idea of another world, a spiritual world was to a thinking person.

c.     The Sadducees thought; maybe another world, just a continuation of this one, both in its nature and relationships.


Thought:  a natural man’s picture in this event.  1 Corinthians 2:14

Thought: the resurrection and return of the Lord are often questioned. 1 Corinthians 1:12,


III.           The Power of God. Vs 24

A.    The resurrection is based on the scriptures and the power of God.

1.     What Jesus said:  “You are in error, the resurrection is denied for two reasons.”

a.     One, “You do not know the scriptures.”

b.     Two, the scripture is very plain and clear.

c.     There is no doubt that there is a spiritual world and there is a resurrection into it.

d.     Job 19:25-27,  Daniel 12:2,  John 5:25-29,  Acts 24:15

Thought: Three reasons why a person does know the power of God.

1.     He is ignorant of God, knows nothing about God, and seldom gives a thought to God and His power.

2.     He doesn’t believe in God or His power, just ones own intellectual creation.

3.     Weak belief in God and cannot picture beyond the physical world.

Thought: Very perplexing to the natural man.  Think while we are here now.

1.     There is another world, an unseen spiritual dimension that really exists.

2.     There is a spirit, the real life within our bodies that is destined to live forever.

3.     There is to be a resurrection of all dead that have been in the graves for centuries. Then all them that believed will be perfected and glorified.

Thought: Two things will keep a person from error.

1.     Knowing the scripture

2.     Knowing and trusting the power of God.


IV.           The spiritual dimension of the resurrection.  Vs 25

A.    The resurrection is different from any earthly experiences.

1.     Jesus said that the resurrection exceeds earthly relationships.

2.     The Sadducees did not know the scriptures or the power of God.

3.     They just saw life simply continuing on as it does now.

4.     Heaven just a continuation of this world.

5.     They could not conceive that God could change the qualities of life and give a man a new environment.

B.    Jesus said two things:

1.     First: Future life and relationship will exceed earthly relationships, even marital.

2.     The bond of marriage will be even greater.

3.     Second: Our resurrected life will be equal to that of angels and God.

a.     Note: Jesus admits the existence of angels.  Vs 25

b.     Heavenly life and relationship will be perfected, the old life gone, a new life begins.

c.     We are changed, perfected, all sin is gone, our love perfected.

d.     God will change all relationships into perfection.

e.     Heavenly life will be eternal, no ending relationship, together always, no death.


Thought: Two warnings must be issued when thinking of heaven and eternal life.

1.     A person can materialize heaven and humanize eternal life.

a.     Make heaven a glorified world and eternal life a little more than physical life.

b.     This was the thinking of the Sadducees.

2.     A person can idealize heaven and allegorize eternal life.

a.     Heaven just a little more than ideal where we are.  Something we should seek for.

b.     A place to float around and be free of trouble and responsibility.

3.     The teaching of the scripture, God’s revelation.

a.     We must keep our mind on the Word, not fantasy.

b.     Scripture teaches that the very nature of things will be changed.

c.     Heaven will be a spiritual dimension, a world of being.

d.     The scripture says all will be changed to that new dimension which is spiritual.

e.     Eternal life will last forever in that spiritual dimension.

f.      1 Corinthians 15:49-54


V.             The resurrection is a living relationship.  Vs 26-27

A.    A relationship that cannot be broken.

1.     God is the God of past saints, believers who have passed on.

a.     God is the God Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

b.     God’s relationships are active, “I am the God of - -  not  “I was God of - - -“

c.     God’s relationship is continuous.

d.     He creates and maintains eternal and active relationships.

e.     One enters into God’s presence and actively relates to God.


2.     God’s relationships are good and rewarding.

a.     God promised rewards.  Hebrews 11:13-16

b.     To die and be left dead is no reward.

c.     Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob have rewarding relationships with God, NOW.

d.     They are alive, more alive than ever, now perfected and eternal.

3.     God is the God of the living, not the dead.

a.     Not one of decaying corpses.

b.     They are alive in God, living in His presence, perfect and eternal relationship.

c.     Romans 14:7-9,  Acts 24:15


Conclusion.  Restoration. Praise God there is a resurrection. God is the God of the living, then and now.  Are you alive in Christ Jesus today?  Not dead in the world of sin?  Jesus will make you alive.                            


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