The Great Commandments

The Great Commandments

Mark 12:28-34


This is Message #230 in the Restoration Series.


Introduction: Again after being challenged three times, the forth comes to question Jesus. The Pharisees, the Herodians, and the Sadducees had all been answered very wisely.  Now a new approach was being devised. They chose only one member, a lawyer or Scribe who was most brilliant and well versed in the law and scriptures. Jesus used this opportunity and occasion to teach man the greatest provision and duty of human life, love. Love is the greatest duty of man.


I.             The question about the greatest commandment.  Vs 28

A.    Two points indicating that Jesus’ teaching had touched this man.

1.     First: They reasoned together and knew that Jesus had answered well.

2.   Second: At the conclusion of his own discussion with Jesus,     Jesus said, “Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God.” Vs 34

B.    Jesus had a special feeling for this man.

1.     This man’s heart had been stirred by Jesus’ answers to the others.

2.     He had noted the spirit, the wisdom, the self-confidence, the authority, and this stirred his heart.

3.     This caused a desire to learn more about Jesus.

C.   Note the question; “Which is the first commandment of all?”

1.     Through the years the Jewish teachers had set up six hundred commandments.

a.     There were so many no person could keep them all.

b.     So the question was, “which one to obey?”

2.     Note two quick points here.

a.     This is the sin James attacks. James 2:10

b.     Christ teaches that some laws are all inclusive and broader than other others.  Matthew 23:23

3.     What they were trying to do is this.

a.     Various groups had different opinions of which was the most important commandment.

b.     They hoped Jesus’ opinion would stir up the multitudes.

c.     In so doing He would lose His following



II.          The greatest commandment.  Vs 29-30

A.    What was the greatest commandment in the law?

1.     Without any hesitation, Jesus answered with all authority of God Himself.

a.     What was said was an eye opener to all who heard.

b.     It stunned the people steeped in “man made religion”.

2.     Know that “the Lord our God is one Lord”.

a.     He is the Lord, Jehovah, Yahweh, none other.

b.     He is our God.  This is a personal relationship between a worshiper and his God.  A daily experience.

c.     We are the sheep of His pasture.

d.     We are to love. adore, and worship Him.

3.     He is one Lord.  He is the focus of our life, attention, worship, love and praise.

a.     He is the subject of our devotion.

b.     Nothing is to distract us from His attention.

c.     One Lord, the only subject.

d.     1Corinthians 8:4, Ephesians 4:6, 1Timothy 2:5, 1John 5:7, Psalm 86:10, Isaiah 45:18*

B.    The Lord our God is to be loved.

1.     Love God as your very own God.

2.     This is a personal relationship, not a distant relationship.

3.     God is not ‘way out somewhere’, He is near to us

4.     Jesus said, “Love the Lord thy God.”

5.     Loving God is alive and active, not dead and inactive.

C.   Loving God involves commitment and loyalty.

1.     True love is commitment and loyalty to one person.

2.     God speaks to the very core of man’s problems. “Thou shalt have no other gods.” [Ex. 20:3]

D.   A loving relationship involves trust and respect for the person loved.  We love God because of who He is.

1.     He is the Creator and Sustainer of life; therefore we are to love Him.

2.     He is the Savior and Redeemer, therefore we are to love Him

3.     He is the Lord and Owner of life; therefore we are to love Him.

E.    A loving relationship involves the giving and surrender of one’s self.

1.     To surrender one’s self to others, not to get.

F.    A loving relationship involves knowing and sharing.

1.     To know and share together by working and serving closely together.

             Thought. Man is to love God supremely.

1.     Jude 21*, 2Thesalonians 3:5, Deuteronomy 10:12, Joshua 22:5, Psalm 31:23

2.     The Lord our God demands we love our neighbors as ourselves.


III.       Love our neighbors as our self.  Vs 31

A.    This is actually the second commandment given by Jesus.

1.     The lawyer did not ask for it, Jesus said it.

B.    Note. The first commandment is abstract.

1.     It cannot be seen or understood standing by itself.

2.     There has to be a demonstration, an act, something done for love to be seen and understood.

3.     A profession of love without demonstration is empty.

4.     It is only a profession, it has to be shown.

C.   Several points of importance said about love.

1.     Love is an active experience.

2.     God wants us to love our neighbor, not just doing religious things. [Rituals, ordinances, laws]

3.     John 13:34-35, 1John 4:20-21

4.     When we really love God, it will flow down to our neighbor.

5.     We are to love our self.

a.     There is a corrupt love of self that feels the world should center on oneself.

b.     Wants all the attention, their own way.

c.     However, there is a godly love of self that is pleasing to God.

d.     It stirs a strong self-image, confidence and assurance. [This helps our physical being]

6.     To know whom we are in Christ Jesus.

a.     We are the creation of God, the highest creation possible.

b.     We are the objects of God’s love.

c.     We are the trustees of God’s gifts.

d.     We are esteeming others above self.       Philippians 2:2-3.


D.   We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Vs 31

1.     Three very specific things about the second great commandment.

a.     One. To love our neighbor is a command, not an option.

b.     Two. Who is our neighbor?

1.     The parable of the Good Samaritan.

2.     One who is in need of mercy

3.     Everyone in the world is need of mercy

c.     Three. To love our neighbor is a very practical command.  1Corinthians 13:4-7


IV.        The law of love.  Vs 32-34

A.    What this law of love causes.

1.     Causes thinking in honest men causing them to agree.

2.     The law of love exceeds all offerings and sacrifices.

a.     The lawyer came a long way to make this statement.

3.     This law of love is so great it assures salvation to those who understand it.

a.     “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.”


Conclusion: Restoration. When the church, the Body of Christ, begins to really embrace this law of love that Jesus taught, what great and mighty things will begin to happen.  Signs and wonders will follow those that believe and act in His love.

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