Blessings of God



The Blessings of God

1 Corinthians 10:1-13


Introduction: All Israel shared in the blessings and privileges of God.  As they were being led out, there was a sense of security in following Moses.  He led them out of Egypt, across the Red Sea and into the desert.  This is where the trouble begins.


I.               The security of the believers.

A.   This is one of the great doctrines of the Bible.

1.     Many times taught with inadequate understanding.

2.     Often with neglect to the warnings of the Scripture.

B.    Many have a false conversion.

1.     Many have a false security and over confidence.

2.     One’s life does not match their confession.

C.    Two great problems facing the church today.

1.     False security

2.     Over confidence

D.   Note these things and attitudes that people think.

1.     Think he is saved, say he is saved, but may be wrong, saying

and thinking does not make a person safe and secure, saying and thinking are not evidence of salvation.

2.     One may be baptized and belong to the Church, these do not make a person safe and secure in Christ.

3.     Partaking of the Lord’s Supper does not make a person safe

and  secure in Christ.

4.     One may be very active in Church, gifted ect., but this does not      

make one safe and secure in Christ.

E.    This was the problem with the believers in the Corinthian Church.

1.     Activity made them feels safe and secure.

2.     Look back to:  1 Corinthians 9:24-27

3.     What kind of race are we to run?

F.    Paul used the nation of Israel as an example for us.

1.     The Children of Israel had everything, food, water, and clothes.

2.     They were safe and secure until - - -

3.     Murmuring, fear, doubt, shattered their faith

4.     Because of this, many perished outside the Promised Land.

G.   Believers who feel safe, best look at the example of Israel.

1.     The example of Israel, all shared the blessing.  Vs 1-5

2.     The warning:  Vs 6-10

3.     The point is, receive the warning.


II.             The example of Israel.  Vs 1-5

A.   All Israel shared in the blessings and privileges of God.

1.     Note: All left Egypt, a type of the world.

2.     All began a journey to the Promised Land. [Heaven]

3.     All began to walk through the wilderness of the world with

true believers, those who trusted God.

4.     It was soon evident, all were not genuine

5.     They did not truly believe and trust Moses and God.

6.     They felt safe and secure because they were with those who were truly safe and secure in God.

7.     They were still in the wilderness where there were many dangers.


III.           Israel had five remarkable blessings and privileges as they journeyed to the promised land.

A.   God saw that all there needs were met, everything provided.

1.     The Cloud of God’s Presence was with them. Exodus 13:21-22

2.     Israel passed through the Red Sea.  This was God’s deliverance form bondage and slavery.  Exodus 14: 13 –

3.     Israel was baptized into Moses and his leadership.

a.     Moses stood as a type of Christ

b.     Those who followed were baptized, immersed and given over to Moses and his mission.

4.     Israel partook of the food and water of God’s provision.

a.     Spiritual simply means, God provided.

b.     God took care of daily necessities. Exodus 16:4-8

5.     Israel had the Presence of God, Jesus Christ with them.

a.     That Rock was Jesus, he was ever present with them.

b.     Jesus was the Source, the Energy, the Power, the Person who:

1.     Caused the water to gush forth

2.     Was a Cloud to guide and caused Manna to fall

3.     Parted the Red Sea for them to cross over

4.     Gave to Moses the promise of the Promise Land.


IV.           Paul is proclaiming Jesus as Jehovah of the New Testament.

A.   The one that is called the Rock.

   1.Deuteronomy 32:4, Psalm 18:2

   2.One who was providing and guiding Israel in the wilderness

   3.He is our Lord and Savior.

   4. It was The Rock that was guiding them to the Promised Land.

B.    The tragic thing that happened to Israel.

1.     Well over two million broke out of the bondage of Egypt.

2.     The critical question is this:

a.     How many remained faithful to God?

b.     How many turned away because of fleshly desires?

c.     How many kept their eyes and heart on the Promised Land?

d.     How many were faithful, steadfast, un-moveable and abiding in the work of the Lord?

3.     Remember over two million began the journey to the Promised Land.

a.     How many of the original made it?

b.     Only two, Caleb and Joshua

c.     Only those two remained faithful to God.

d.     There were over two million corpses scattered over the wilderness.

e.     Why? Because they did not obey and please God.


4.     Our God is no respecter of persons.

a.     Does God change His mind about obedience?

b.     He still requires His children to be obedient.

c.     One must follow Him, serve Him, praise and worship Him.

d.     Without this, can one truly say, “I am going to heaven”?


Conclusion: Many today hope they will go to heaven, but are not really sure.  They do not truly believe and trust the Lord.  They feel safe and secure because they go to church some, associate with other real Christians, and even talk the talk.  There is still the obligation to serve the Lord with all our heart.


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