Warnings From God

Warnings From God

1 Corinthians 10:1-13


Introduction: Today we have a warning to the church from the example of Israel.  What a great danger we face.  The dangers they faced are real dangers even for us today.  What caused Israel to fall can happen to us.  Let us be aware of their mistakes and failings and do our best to avoid them.


I.              Warnings: Five sins to beware of.

A.    The church is to avoid these sins.

1.    There was the sin of Lust.  Vs 6

a.    They craved and lusted after the delicious foods of Egypt.  Numbers 11:4-6

b.    Many were killed by a deadly plague

c.    The place was known as, “the grave of greediness and lust”.

d.    The lust of believers is a strong warning to us.

e.    Mark 4:19, 1 Thessalonians 4:4-5, James 4:2, 1 John 2:15-16

2.    There was the sin of idolatry.  Vs 7

a.    When Moses went to Mt. Sinai to receive the Law, many grew restless waiting on the Word of God.

b.    The people began to create their own form of worship.  Exodus 32:1-6

c.    The golden calf was a way for them to ‘see God’.

d.    They thought they needed some ‘image’ to help their worship of Jehovah.

e.    Note: Eating, drinking, and playing [immoral play]

f.      This was the problem with the church at Corinth. 1 John 5:21, Isaiah 42:8

3.    The sin of fornication or immorality.  Vs 8

a.    A gross sin of some of the believers of Israel.

b.    Over twenty thousand were banned from the Promised Land.  Vs 8

c.    Numbers 25:1-9, 1 Corinthians 5:9-10, 6:9, Ephesians 4:19, Romans 1:27

4.    Do not tempt or try Christ’ patience.  Vs 9

a.    Tempt: To try the Lords patience.  How far can a person go to test the Lord’s patience?

b.    Note: The people often felt God and Moses demanded and expected too much.

c.    They often longed for the things of Egypt, the things of the flesh, the old sinful nature.

d.    They became discontent with what God provided.

e.    Many perished in the wilderness because of this and did not enter the Promised Land.


Thought: Believers often feel God expects too much of them, think they are missing out on too much of the what the world offers.  They feel God will forgive them if:

1.    even if they do look

2.    even if they do taste

3.    even if they do touch

4.    even if they do slip a little

5.    even if they hold back a little

6.    James 4:13,  Deuteronomy 6;16

5.    There was the sin of murmuring and complaining and grumbling. Vs 10

a.    Some believers were always complaining and murmuring against God.


Thought: How many believers grumble and gripe?  How many become dissatisfied?

--- With the direction God has given His leaders

--- With food God gives through His leaders

--- With the way God guides His leaders

--- With words God gives His leaders

b.    How many voice their complaints to others?

c.    Vs 10,  Philippians 2:14,  Psalm 77:3


II.            Receive the warning.  Vs 11-13

A.    Things that happened to Israel are examples and warnings for us.

1.    Reason one: Get ready!  Jesus is coming again soon.

a.    We are in the very last days of human history.

b.    Jesus is the final, the last revelation of God.

c.    Jesus is the only way God will deal with man again.

d.    We are now in the age of Grace.

e.    Jesus is that Grace. He is the way out of wilderness.

2.    Reason two: A person can fall, when he begins to think he stands.

a.    When we begin to feel safe and secure. Vs 12

b.    1Corinthians 8:2, Galatians 6:3

3.    Reason three: There is a way to escape temptation. Vs.13

a.    To escape temptation there are three great truths.

1.    All temptation is common to man.

2.    No temptation is:

a.    super human

b.    is unique

c.    is beyond man’s capacity to handle

d.    is terrifying in any sense if the word

b.    God is faithful, He limits the temptation, He doesn’t allow a temptation that is:

1.    Too enticing, too appealing, too attractive, too forceful, too satisfying, too fulfilling, too pleasing, too self exalting, too promising - - -

2.    God knows what and how much we can bear.

3.    He limits our temptation to what we can bear.

4.    1 Corinthians 1:9, 2 Chronicles 16:9,

c.    God provides a way of escape.

1.    There is always a way out of temptation.

2.    God gives each of us strength and energy to walk through or over the temptation or run and flee.

3.    Luke 10:19, James 4:7,

4.    Vs 13


Conclusion: The world is our wilderness.  God in His Word has shown an example and consequence of disobedience.  All had an opportunity to enter the Promised Land, but only two of the original made it.  Jesus has made a way for us through His grace and mercy.  We are to walk in it.


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