Faith in the Blood

Faith in the Blood

1 Corinthians 3:11


Introduction: A foundation is that on which something is founded, the basic or groundwork of anything.  When we place our faith in the Blood of Jesus, we are thanking Jesus for what He did two thousand years ago and also what the Blood of Jesus is doing for us right now during our lifetime.


I.             Past tense of what the Blood purchased.

A.    Here again we list the benefits of Jesus’ shed Blood. 2Peter 1:12

1.     Redemption - - - 1 Peter 1:18-19

2.     Forgiveness - - -  Hebrews 9:22

3.     Cleansing - - - 1 John 1:7

4.     Justification - - - Romans 5:9

5.     Reconciliation - - - Romans 3:25

6.     Sanctification - - - Hebrews 13:12

7.     Peace - - - Colossians 1:20

8.     Approach to God - - - Hebrews 10:19

9.     Eternal inheritance - - - Hebrews 9:12

10.  Healing - - - 1 Peter 2:24

11.  Salvation - - - Romans 10:9-10

B.    These are ‘past tense’, Jesus died just once.  Hebrews 9:9, 28

1.     He will not do it again

2.     God has no other plan to redeem man

3.     No plan to reconcile man to Himself

4.     All these benefits we received when we were born again.


II.          Present tense – The active, alive Blood

A.    The Blood of Jesus is also active in our behalf today.

1.     As the object of our faith, the Blood speaks.

a.     Hebrews 12:22-24

2.     Notice the six living entities in heaven.

1.     Angels, 2. The redeemed Church, 3. God, 4. Spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection, 5. Jesus, 6. And the Blood that speaks.

3.     Everything listed is ALIVE.

a.     Jesus’ Blood is listed and is alive TODAY.

4.     Recall that Abel’s blood spoke.  Genesis 4:10

a.     Abel’s blood still speaks.  Hebrews 12:24

b.     Abel’s blood speaks of revenge, justice, and vengeance.

c.     But Jesus Blood speaks of love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, in accordance with His character.


III.       What a foundation, what a basis for faith.

A.    My faith is in the Blood of Jesus shed on the cross. [Past tense]

B.    That same Blood still speaks today. [Present tense]

C.   Other scriptures that reveal that the Blood of Jesus is living today.

1.     Hebrews 10:19-22 - - a new and living way

2.     1 Peter 1:2-5 - - - Sprinkling of the blood, a lively hope

3.     1 John 5:4-8,  11-12, 18 - - - saved through faith in the Blood

4.     No room in the Christians life for sin.


Conclusion: The Blood of Jesus is alive.  It speaks of what it has accomplished at the Cross.  It speaks on our behalf today.  Now my faith has an object, it has direction; it is the Blood of Jesus Christ.  What a solid foundation for our faith.                                   

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