The Blood Speaks #2

The Blood Speaks #2

Hebrews 12:24


Introduction: Today one must remember that the life of God is in the Blood of Jesus.  When any Christian takes the Precious Blood of Jesus and begins to sing it, talk it, or plead it, the devil gets terribly disturbed,  He knows the power in the Blood and does everything  he can to blind the Christian from using it.


I.             Using the Blood in deliverance


A.    Never should we attempt to come against Satan and his demons without first “Pleading the Blood” in an active sense.

1.     Jesus’ Blood will deliver the body and soul.

2.     As with Adam and Eve, they were covered with the blood.

3.     Speaking the Blood will cover and protect us.

4.     Remember what Jesus said:  Luke 10:18-20

5.     The promise - - Isaiah 54:17

6.     Let’s not let that protective bloodline around us diminish.

7.     The protection afforded us by the Blood.  The Blood cries to God, “the sin is covered”, “the penalty paid”.


II.          Cain and Able.  Genesis 4:1-15 [10]


A.    Much evidence in the Bible that all shed blood speaks to God.

1.     Vs. 10.  Abel’s blood has a voice.

a.     His blood cried out to God for vengeance.

B.    Hebrews 12:22-24

1.     God’s habitation, Heavenly Jerusalem, the City of the Living God

2.     An innumerable company of Angels

3.     The Church of the Firstborn

4.     God, the judge of all

5.     The spirit of just men made perfect

6.     Jesus, the mediator of the New Covenant

7.     The Blood of Sprinkling that speaketh

C.   The Speaking Blood of Jesus is found in Heaven.

1.     It is on the Mercy Seat for us

2.     Hebrews 9:11-12

D.   When the high priest entered the Holy of Holies:

1.     God’s Shekinah Glory was manifested from between the two Cherubim’s who over shadowed the Mercy Seat.

2.     The Glory was seen and the voice heard only when the Blood was used.

3.     Faith was not enough, the priest had to use the Blood.

4.     The only way we can enter Heaven is by the Blood.

a.     Our very prayer life needs the Blood.

5.     The Old Testament priest would have been stricken dead had he not offered Blood.

6.     Today many other offerings are being made, things, works, emotions, strange fire and various kinds of worship.

E.    There are other living entities in heaven.

1.     The Living Water - - John 4:10-11, 14

2.     The Living Bread - - John 6:51-53

3.     The Living Stones - - 1 Peter 2:4

4.     The Living Fountains of Water - - Revelation 7:17, 22:1, 17

5.     The Living Word - - Hebrews 4:12



III. To Plead the Blood


A.    To “Plead the Blood of Jesus” is to confess to God that we are depending wholly on His mercy.

1.     An old hymn: “Nothing in our hand we bring, simply to thy cross we cling”

2.     When we speak, “Plead the Blood”, it speaks for us.

a.     Because it is ‘Speaking Blood’

b.     It speaks mercy from the Mercy Seat in Heaven where Jesus is seated with His Father.





We must learn the value of using the Blood of Jesus.  When the Church fully discovers this secret, the whole realm of God’s power is opened.  That is when all the

Angels of heaven come and help rescue the child of God and the Church. How true, the Spirit answers to the Blood.



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