Atonement by Blood

Atonement by Blood

Isaiah 53


Introduction: Try to imagine the scene at Calvary that day Jesus was crucified.  Put all the movies and pictures you have seen out of you mind and try to visualize the actual scene. 


I. Jesus’ actual appearance. Isaiah 52:14

         A. It was doubtful the Romans left Jesus the courtesy of a loincloth.

                   1. He became as the first Adam in the garden.

                   2. He covered His own nakedness with His own Blood

                                     a. In turn we may cover our own nakedness with His Precious Blood, the perfect Atonement.

                                      b. Even we cannot afford a loincloth or fig leaf to hid our sins.

                                      c. We must shed all our covering in His presence.

                                      d. Then Jesus will cover us with His Robe of Righteousness after we have accepted the cleansing of His Precious Blood.

                   3. The crown of thorns was put on His head.

                                     a. Not gently, but roughly; many of the thorns were an inch-an-a half long.

                                      b. They were jabbing into His scalp, causing much Blood to cover His hair and beard.

                   4. The spikes were driven into His hands and feet.

                                      a. Blood coursed down His arms and sides.

                                      b. Blood ran down both sides of the cross.

                                      c. All this on behalf of all the whole world.

                                      d. Even His side was pierced and Blood poured down to the ground.

                   5. His bones were out of joint.  Psalm 22;14

                                      a. His face was dreadful to look on.  Isaiah 53:2

                                      b. There was no beauty in Him that we should desire Him.

                   6. God gave His best, His Son, His Perfect Sacrifice.

                                      a. There were no blemishes in Him

                   7. Jesus was already dead when the soldiers came to break His legs.

                                      a. His side was pierced.

                                      b. Those who looked on saw only Blood.

                                      c. His back was lacerated from thirty-nine stripes.

                                      d. It was a spectacle of His Blood.

                                      e. Even the cross was covered with His Blood.

                                      f. The earth was soaked with His Blood.

                   8. Every type of Atonement was fulfilled in Christ.

                                      a. It was Blood, Blood, Blood


II. What the Atonement provided for us.

          A. What the word Atonement means.

                   1. Satisfaction given for wrongdoing.

                   2. At-one-ment,  at-on-moment in time, sin satisfied, a covering

3. “Where sin abounded, grace did much more abounded” Romans 5:20, for with  grace came the Blood of    Jesus, which cover all our sins.   Simply said, a covering.

         B. When we understand the word Atonement:

                   1. A tremendous truth is discovered.

                   2. God provides a substance to cover.

                             a. Things we no longer want

                            b. God covers over our sins by the Blood of Jesus

                             c. When God sees the Blood, He does not see sin.

          C. In Leviticus 17:12:

                   1. Not only is there life in the Blood

                   2. It is the only substance that can make Atonement or covering for our souls.

                   3. Note: The sinner is accepting a substitute:

                             a. Old Testament; a clean animal in his place.

                             b. New Testament; Jesus, the Lamb of God for us.

          D. Adams’ beloved animals provided their covering.

                   1. Fig leaves were insufficient

                   2. The principle of life for a life runs throughout the Bible.

                   3. If man is left to himself, no blood would be required, there fore a fig leaf religion.


Conclusion: Remember at one moment in time, all sins were accounted for.  We must be willing to accept this sacrifice of Jesus Blood for our sins.  We must be willing to be ‘covered over’ with His Blood by faith.  Baptism, symbolic of His death, burial, and resurrection, covered and washed by the Blood and Water.


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