The Value of the Blood

The Value of the Blood

1Corinthians 6:19-20


Introduction:  In our everyday lives, how much value do we really place in the Blood?  To attempt to evaluate the Blood of Christ would be impossible.


I.  The Cost.  1 Corinthians 6:20


A.    We are bought with a price, and that is the Blood of Jesus.

  1. 1 Peter 1:18-19  - - - The Precious Blood

B.    When the Temple was dedicated on Mt. Moriah, the count of animals was amazing.

1.     Sacrifices before the Ark was brought in.  1 Kings 8:5,  2 Chronicles 5:6

2.     The Peace Offering made on behalf of Israel.  1 Kings 8:63

a.     22,000 oxen, 120,000 sheep were offered.  Vs 63

b.     No seconds, only the best. Was it a senseless waste?

c.     Wouldn’t just one perfect lamb be enough to justify?

d.     Question, could one perfect lamb been enough to typify the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world?

C.   NO! Even thinking of the cost in today’s market.

1.     22,000 oxen, minimum $22 million plus

2.     120,000 sheep and goats - - unknown

3.     God was saying, “The value of blood cannot be measured in dollars and cents.”

a.     No amount of blood of animals in the Old Testament could atone for your sins and mine.

4.     On the Day of Atonement the Brook Kidron was fed the blood of animals for days.

5.     But for us, God opened a Fountain filled with Blood that will never cease to flow. Zechariah 13:1

a.     A river, continually flowing that we may plunge in daily too:

b.     Wash away our sins and sickness and sorrows

c.     This stream flows before Satan and all his host

d.     As we sing about it, talk about it, plead it out loud

e.     The Blood of Jesus pleads mercy, forgiveness, pardon, healing, protection, deliverance, and multiplied joy and peace.


II. Not enough to just believe in the historic Blood of Jesus.


A.    We must believe in that Fountain that flows NOW.

                   1. Exercise our faith in its power and life.

                   2. Love is only a word until it is demonstrated.

                   3. The Blood is only a word until used.

                   4. Ammunition in an arsenal is useless until taken out and used.

                   5. It must be used to produce terror in the enemy.

B.    The Army of the Lord is powerless until we use our weapons.

                 1. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6

                  2. The Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, the Blood of Jesus

a.     Revelation 12:11

                    3. We need the Word and the Blood together.

C.  All the sacrifices of blood made by Solomon did not end the sacrifices.

                 1. There were still daily sacrifices

                 2. These were for a reminder of the power and efficacy of the blood.

                 3. No “yesterday’s leftovers” could be accepted.

                 4. Same with the Manna, which speaks of God’s Word.

a.     It was good only on ‘that day’; it was sweet and suitable for use then.

b.     In like manner, the Blood of Jesus is fresh and sweet today.

c.     It is not dead and coagulated.

d.     The daily shedding of blood should bring home to us the tremendous value

                              God puts on Blood.   Hebrews 9:22

D.  Those blood offerings were tremendous.

                 1. Proof of the tremendous meaning and value of the Blood of the Lamb of God.

                 2. The Day of Atonement  - - the scapegoat

a.     Taken into the wilderness - - - Leviticus 16:9-10

b.     It was a type of Christ

c.     He took the condemnation and curse of sin upon Himself

d.     The Scapegoat carried the sin into an uninhabited desert place

e.     It was never to be seen again.  Leviticus 16:21-22

                    3. The sin offering represented the broken covenant between God and man.

a.     Caused by man’s original fall into sin

b.     In observance of Passover, the head of the family brought a lamb for sacrifice to the Lord.

c.     Note the numbers.  Ten was the smallest, twenty was the largest – [According to Josephus, the historian]

d.     160,000 offered at the time of Exodus, now over 400,000 at the time of Solomon.

e.     THANK GOD!  1 Corinthians 5:7  --  no more lambs

f.      Now we accept His Sacrifice and His blood by faith.

4. THOUGHT. If every Christian who names the Name of Jesus, would plead His Precious Blood everyday, out loud, we believe the results would be catastrophic in Satan’s kingdom, and great deliverance would be felt in the Church and nation.

a.     NOTE:  Very important that we keep ourselves in right fellowship with the Father.


III.   It would be impossible to compute the amount of blood the was shed in the 1500 years of Israel history under the old covenant.


A.  Nothing could be obtained from God except by the blood.

       1. Nothing today except on the Blood of Jesus.

       2. It flows as a healing stream for the spirit, soul, and body.

B.  Important fact when He appeared to Mary at the resurrection.

       1. John 20:17

       2. The law: The High Priest could not be touched by people.

       3. Only after he offered the blood of animals and had been accepted before the

        Mercy seat.

       4. In like manner Jesus could not be touched until He had ascended to the Father


a.  A few days later - - -  Luke 24:39

       1. All had been accomplished in heaven

       2. His Blood sprinkled on the Mercy Seat before the throne of God.


Conclusion: Now you and I can enter right into the Holy Place of Heaven anytime we desire.  Anytime is available for all our needs that we may have.  How? We can come only with the Precious Blood of Jesus.  Hebrews 10:19-22




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