The Scarlet Thread

The Scarlet Thread

Joshua 2


Introduction: Today we don’t have to slay an animal, but we do have a story about a piece of scarlet thread hung in a window and what it accomplished.  The Scarlet Thread was a token of the Blood.


I.  Israel’s Command


          A. God tells Joshua to send two spies to Jericho.

                   1. The two go to Rahab’s house. [A house of ill-repute]

                   2. Some say she was just an innkeeper.

                   3. Innkeeper, prostitute, God was speaking to her.

          B. The king of Jericho came looking for the two men. Vs 2

                    1. She “missed used the truth” to the king.  Vs 4

                   2. They had ’gone’  up to the roof, the top of the wall.  Vs 6

                   3. The king’s men went looking by the fords of the Jordan River.  Vs 7

          C. Rahab’s  confession to the spies. Vs 8-11

                   1. Confession to God’s power.

                   2. God’s power with Israel caused fear.

                   3. What Rahab asked in return for the favor.  Vs 12-13

          D. The response  Vs. 14

                   1. A life for a life

                   2. The escape and the instructions.  Vs 15-16

                   3. Their command to Rahab

                   4. The Scarlet Thread to be tied in the window Vs 18

                   5. All IN the houses would be saved.  Vs 18

                            a. Note verse 18, unless - - -

                             b. The if - Vs 19

                             c. If she revealed - Vs 20-21

                    6. Results of the visit told to Joshua.  Vs 24


II. The Presence of God


          A. Because of the presence of the two spies, fear and conviction come on Rahab.

                   1. Her conscience began to bother her.

                   2. As said, she had heard of the fame of the God of Israel.

                   3. She asked the spies to help keep she and her family alive.

                   4. She, by revelation knew that Jericho would be destroyed.

                   5. Her plea, “give me a TRUE TOKEN”. Vs 12

          B. She realized that God was willing to reveal Himself to those who were willing

           to receive.

                   1. She was willing to commit she and her family to a new life of faith in God.

          C. Because of Rahab’s faith:

                   1. The Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world; Revelation 13:8

                             a. That Blood became effective to this poor harlot and her family.

                             b. Strange how God chooses persons to be saved and used for His purpose.

                             c. Would we have chosen such a person?

         D. Note: Jesus has no appeal to the worldly-wise and self-righteous.

                   1. He came to those in need of a physician.

                   2. Rahab knew she and her family needed God.

                             a. God was ready immediately to forgive all.


III. The Scarlet Thread


          A. The two spies remembered the Blood sprinkled on the lintel and

            door post in Egypt.  Exodus 12:13

                   1. It spoke of the Blood of Jesus already shed in the mind of the Father.

                    Revelation 13:8

          B. Had it been possible, the two men would have slain an animal for a sacrifice.

                   1. They would have sprinkled the Blood on the house and them.

                             a. No time for that because they were being hunted.

                   2. But, we will give you a Token

                             a. Vs. 18 - “Take this Scarlet Cord, place it in the window of your house.” Vs 18

                   4. In so doing, she would be honoring the Blood in type.

                   5. This would preserve her whole house, and she and her family would

                    walk out alive.

                             a. The condition was to stay inside.

          C. What kind of faith these two men had to promise such a thing.

                   1. They had faith in the Blood. [They had been taught the blood]

                   2. Rahab had faith to believe.

                   3. Yes, there is a Blood Line.

                   4. A line the destroyer cannot cross or get through.

                   5. Have YOU put up your ’Blood Line’.


IV. We know the rest of the story.


          A God gave Joshua instructions how to take the city

                   1. The Singers led Israel around the city for seven days.

                   2. On the seventh day they walked seven times.

                             a. Then God did His part.

                             b. Never expect God to do His part until we have done our part.

                   3. God caused the walls to fall.

                   4. All but one small part fell to the ground; Rahab’s house.

                   5. She and all her family walked out unharmed.

                            a. Because of her faith in the God of Israel.

                             b. The Blood of Jesus had availed for them.

                   6. What if she had not been obedient?

                             a. She and all her family would have been lost.

                             b. The Destroyer had passed over her house.

                             c. Rahab had used the Blood in type.

                            d. An active faith had gotten active results.


V. Practical application for today.


          A. Looking back at the Old Testament ordination of the Priest.

                   1. Part of his ordination was the putting on of Blood. Exodus 29:20-21

                             a. On the tip of the right ear

                             b. On the thumb of the right hand

                             c. On the great toe of his right foot

                   2. Israel was taught that the Blood would cleanse and sanctify all.

                             a. All that enters a man’s ear

                             b. On all he put his hands to do.

                             c. Wherever he goes in the course of his duties

                    3. Even into a den of vice, strength not to partake

                   4. The Blood will keep Satan away from his thought life, walk life,

                    and wherever he goes.

         B. What the Apostle Paul thought.

                   1. Our bodies are the Temple.  2 Corinthians 6:16

                   2. We are not to deliberately touch the unclean.

                   3. We too can apply the Blood to our ears, hands, and feet.

                             a. Our whole spirit, soul, and body preserved until the coming of the Lord.

                             1 Thessalonians 5:23

                   4. Reason some Christians fail to live a victorious life.

                             a. They fail to turn over passive theological faith in the Blood into a

                              a vital, active faith that:

                    1. Uses the Blood, sprinkles it, speaks it

                    2. Realizes the Blood is just as powerful now as it was for Moses and Joshua.


Conclusion: When the Blood covers us and we know it, and we have placed it by faith upon our hearts, lives, homes and loved ones, then we have created a condition where Satan cannot get through.  Remember that salvation, healing, and God’s promises are not automatic, but obtained through faith, and maintained by faith.  Never, never let down our faith in the Blood. Use our Blood Line Jesus gave to us.      


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