Cleansing the Temple

Cleansing the Temple

Matthew 21:12-16


Introduction: The cleansing of the temple took place on Monday after the triumphant entry into Jerusalem.  Mark said Jesus went into the temple Sunday, looked around at all things and went back to Bethany with the twelve.


I.             The scene was this:


A.    Thousands lined the roadway looking for Jesus.

1.     There were shouts of welcome and praise

2.     He was led to steps of the temple

3.     He looked around and went back to Bethany to spend the night.

B.    Monday morning He returned and cleansed the temple

1.     Four things should be noted about temple during the last week of our Lord’s life.

2.     One, Jesus was ending His ministry in the temple.

a.     This was His Father’s House of Prayer

b.     The place where God’s presence dwelt

c.     Here He was to complete His life on earth here

d.     The evening before He observed all that was to take place.

e.     He was contemplating the sacrifice He was about to make.

f.      Before Him was the terrible sin He was about to die for.

g.     It was anything but a House of Prayer

3.     Two, Jesus revealed who He was by cleansing the temple.

a.     He demonstrated to all generations that He had the right to determine how the temple was to be used.

b.     As God’s Son, the temple was His dwelling place.

c.     The place where worship was to be known

4.     Three, in cleansing the temple, Jesus revealed how men were to treat and use the temple.

5.     Four, Jesus began and ended His ministry by cleansing the temple.

a.     The two cleansing were separate events which marked the opening and closing of His ministry,

b.     This demonstrated God’s House as a House of Prayer and worship.


II.           When the Lord Entered Jerusalem


A.    He did not go to the place of a king or the court of rulers.

1.     He went up the House of God.

2.     His kingdom was not of this world

3.     His was not physical, but spiritual

4.     His authority was to rule the temple and the hearts of men.

B.    How the temple was to be used.

1.     Not where people were to be exploited – Vs 12

2.     The temple was to be a House of Prayer – Vs 13

3.     The temple was to be a place of ministry – Vs 14

4.     A place where wonderful things are done – Vs 15

5.     A place where Christ is praised – Vs 15-16


III.         The Temple (Click to see diagram)


A.    We must have some idea of the layout of the temple and grounds.

1.     The temple set on top of Mt. Zion and covered nearly thirty acres.

2.     Consisted of two parts, the temple buildings and the courts

B.    The temple building:

1.     A small ornate structure in the center of the property.

2.     It was called the Holy Place or Holy of Holies.

3.     Only the High Priest could enter its walls

4.     That was only on the Day of Atonement

C.   The temple precincts

1.     Four court yards surrounded the temple buildings

2.     Each decreasing in there importance in the Jewish mind

3.     Important to remember that high walls separated each courtyard.

a.     First, the inner Court of the Priest, only priest were allowed there.  This was where all the furnishings were.

b.     Second, the Court of the Israelites.  This was a large courtyard where Jews met for joint services of great feast days

c.     Third, the Court of the Women, where women usually limited too, except for worship on special days.

d.     Fourth, the Court of the Gentiles, it covered a vast space surrounding all the others.

D.   Three facts about the Court of the Gentiles.

1.     It was the futherest removed from the center of worship.

2.     A high wall separated the Court of the Gentiles form the others.

a.     This disallowed the Gentiles a closer approach into God’s presence.

3.     The Court of the Gentiles is where the commercialism took place.

a.     How did a commercial market ever get into the temple?

b.     Very simple, greed.

4.     The worshipers needed animals, incense, meal, wine, oil, salt and other items

5.     Pilgrims from other countries need money changed

E.    This is where greed comes in.

1.     The priest decided to reap some of the profits.

2.     They begin to set up booths inside

3.     Even leased space to others

4.     This supplied all the needs of the worshipers



IV.        The temple or church in not a place to be exploited.


A.    Note what Jesus did to show this.

1.     He went in the temple Court of the Gentiles, where praise and worship and quietness and mediation should be.

2.     He found the very opposite, commotion, selling, and buying.

3.     He reacted in power and cleansing Judgment of God.

a.     The king of power and cleansing that cause men to tremble before God.

4.     He ran through the temple doing three things: Vs 12

a.     He chased out ALL who were buying and selling

b.     He threw over the tables of the money changers

c.     He threw over the chairs of the dove dealers

B.    Time now for some serious thoughts.

1.     Thought one:

a.     The temple was corrupted for money, the church can be also

b.     They were selling essentials items, so what was wrong?

c.     Necessary but not to be sold inside the temple.

d.     The church is not to be a place of commercialism.

2.     Thought two:

a.     Peoples desire for worship and spiritual growth is not to be used for gain.

3.     Thought three:

a.     Legitimate things that help us grow can be used wrongly.

b.     Where it is done is critical

c.     Buying and selling in the church should not be so.

d.     Praise and worship must be what occupies our mind in church.

4.     Thought four:

a.     Jesus’ anger can be fierce toward:

b.     Those who abuse the temple [church]

c.     Those who exploit others

d.     Those who made it impossible for others to worship God.

5.     Thought five:

a.     The results of those who abuse the church - - “He is cast out”


V.           Jesus proclaims the temple a House of Prayer.


A.    Two Old Testament quotations:

   1. Isaiah 56:7, Jeremiah 7:11

B.    Christ made two points:

1.     It was to be a House of Prayer for all people

a.     All people, Gentiles, Jews, should never be barred

b.     To be called a House of Prayer, not a house of sacrifice, offering, teaching, prophecy or preaching.

c.     All that was done was to be lead by prayer, communion with the Father.

2.     Not to be used for commercial purposes

a.     It is to be the House of God, God’s House of Prayer.

b.     A place set aside for prayer and mediation and worship.

Thought one: There were plenty of places around the temple to buy.  The temple is to be set aside solely for worship. When set aside for that purpose, God expects us to use it as such.

Thought Two: The church is to be hallowed ground, a place for worship, praise, teaching, healing and wonderful things.


VI.         The church is to be a place of ministry.  Vs 14


A.    Jesus used the temple as a place of ministry.

1.     He demonstrated that it was a place for all men.

2.     The worshipers, those in need, all were able to come to Christ.

3.     Jesus was able to take His rightful place in the temple.

a.     A place to receive worship and minister to needs.

B.    People will stay away when corruption is within the walls.

1.     Divisiveness, grumbling, complaining, gossiping, to name a few

2.     When Jesus can take His rightful place in church, He will come.


VII.       The purpose of the church.  Vs 15


A.    A place where “Wonderful things are done”

1.     Wonderful works, things

2.     These referred to what Jesus was doing in the temple.

B.    How great it would be IF the church would REALLY begin to do “wonderful things”.


VIII.  The temple is a place where Christ is to be praised.


A.    Three things that happened in this scene.

1.     The children in the temple were crying “Hosanna to the Son of David.”

2.     The religionist were very displeased and objected to what they saw and heard.

a.     Didn’t like the “wonderful things” being done

b.     Jesus had upset their schemes.

c.     They could not stand to see how men’s hearts were being change, and healed.

3.     The church is the place where Christ is to be praised.


Conclusion: In just a few words, the Church, one established on the Word of God is to be a House of Prayer, not one of entertainment.  The Church is a place where these “Wonderful Works” should be a normal occurrence, not just once in a while.
































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