Covenant and Communion

Luke 22:14-20 - Mark 14:22-25


Introduction: Several points here that Jesus makes concerning His last days of His life.  He will not eat or drink again with them until it is fulfilled in heaven, then He will drink with them in His Father’s Kingdom.  He signified that when His Blood was shed it was ratifying, enacting, and sealing the New Covenant.


I.             The New Covenant ratified.  Luke 22:20, Mark 14:25


A.    Jesus states:  Vs 19

B.    Then in verse 20

1.     The New Covenant is ratified, enacted, resident and sealed in the Blood of Christ.

2.     Mark 14:24, “This is the Blood of the New Testament.”

C.   Without the Blood there is no possible way He could have established a New covenant between God and man.

1.     The New Testament [covenant, agreement, pact, promise, economy] is founded and based on the Blood of Jesus.



II.          The Blood makes the Covenant.


A.    The Old Covenant between Jehovah and Israel was dedicated with blood.

1.     [Exodus 24]  Hebrews 9:18-20

2.     First Moses sprinkled the Book that contained the Law of God.

a.     Sprinkling the blood upon the Written Record bound God to His Word.

b.     Then, Moses sprinkled all the people with blood.

c.     This bound Israel to the Covenant by blood.

d.     Hebrews 9:20  {Read all of Chapter 9}

B.    The written record of the New Covenant is likewise sprinkled with blood.

1.     When a translator takes the blood out of the pages of the New Testament he is removing the Seal of God from his translation.

a.     Many translations on the market today are not worthy of the name.

b.     When the blood is taken out of the Scriptures, the life of God is removed.



III.       The Holy Spirit, the Water, the Blood – 1 John 5:8


A.    The Spirit, the Word, and the Blood give testimony concerning God and His program on earth

1.     These three agree, bear witness in one.

a.     Cannot be divorced from the other.

b.     Each has no functional apart from the other two.

c.     They must be seen as ONE UNIT.

2.     When one is removed the other two are removed as well

a.     Churches that have removed the Blood from their songs have taken the Holy Spirit out of their worship.

b.     The Holy Spirit agrees with the Blood of Christ.

c.     Theologians who have banished the Blood from their teachings are no longer teaching God’s Word.

d.     The Word and the Blood agree.

B.    The legal grounds for all of God’s provisions rest upon the basic of the Blood of Christ.

1.     The Word provides information on what these provisions are and instructions on how to enter into them.

2.     The Holy Spirit as the Divine Administrator over all God’s blessings, minister these provisions into our lives.

3.     One is not sufficient by itself.

4.     These three work together to give testimony to men.


Conclusion: As we receive communion today let us think of the Covenant we have with our Heavenly Father.  The Blood, the Word, and the Spirit are here today working in our behalf.  We are to receive our forgiveness, pardon, restoration and healing by the Blood, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.  The three working as One to minister to all our needs.


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