The Rock Was Christ

Exodus 17:6


Introduction:  Twice the children of Israel needed water and twice God provided.  Today we will see a comparison between the physical rock that produced water and the pierced side of Jesus that flowed water and blood.


I.                  Israel out of Egypt

A.     Just a few days into the wilderness and there was no water.

1.      Instead of relying on God, they murmured against Moses.

a.      Here we see the long suffering of God.

b.      If He marked our sins, who could stand before Him?

2.      Moses prayed, God gave instructions

a.      Moses took the same rod he smote the Red Sea with

b.      He smote the side of a large rock in Horeb

c.       Rivers of water flowed from the inner recesses

d.      Providing water for at least two million Israelites.

e.      Psalm 105:41,   78:15-16

B.     God supplied an abundant supply to a thirsty multitude.

1.      Look at the key verse.  Exodus 17:6

2.      The Lord stood on the rock showing that it was He who would perform the supernatural.

3.      The reason God told Moses to strike the rock

a.      Christ, our Rock would be smitten also

4.      There shall come water out of it

a.      Jesus referred to it.  John 7:38

b.      What Jesus had in mind was that particular Rock.

5.      As Moses fulfilled this divine command before the elders of Israel:

a.      Thousands of gallons of water poured out of that rock.

b.      There is no natural explanation.

c.       It was a supernatural act of God.


II.               Paul’s comments in 1 Corinthians 10:1-4.

A.     He notes the various experiences

1.      Passed through the Red Sea

2.      The quail

3.      Bread and water, drank of that spiritual drink

4.      Jesus = “That Rock was Christ”

B.     That which occurred to the Rock in the wilderness also happened to the Rock on the cross.

1.      Moses took a rod and smote the side of the rock.

a.      Water poured out of the side of the rock

2.      Notice the parallel with the Rock on the cross.

a.      John 19:34

b.      Note verse 30, Jesus was dead

c.       Jesus was dead, the rock in the wilderness was non-living matter.

d.      The water from Christ’ side was supernatural.

e.      The same as the water from the rock in the wilderness

f.        From Jesus’ side were not just a clear liquid, but WATER.

g.      This was a sign from God

h.      The desert rock provided for physical thirst

i.        The Crucified Rock provided Living Water for spiritual thirst.


C.     Showing the comparison of events.


1. The Rock in the Wilderness:              

a. Was non-living    

b. Struck with a rod by Moses      

c. Supernaturally produced water          

d. For a murmuring Israel           


2. The Rock on the Cross:

                                                a. was dead        

b. Struck with a spear by a soldier.    

c. Caused supernatural water to flow from His side.   

d. Providing Living Water of the Holy Spirit for believers.


III.           Speak to the Rock – Numbers 20:7-12

A.     Almost thirty years of wandering in the wilderness had passed by.

1.      Once again there was no water.

2.      Again the people murmured against Moses.

3.      This time Moses allowed resentment to enter his heart.

a.      This time he fails God.

b.      Numbers 20:7-12

4.      Three mistakes Moses made in disobedience to God.

a.      He implied he and Aaron had to supply the water. Vs 10

b.      He addressed Israel instead of speaking to the rock.

c.       He smote the rock twice with the rod. Vs 11

1.      All he was to do was hold “the rod of authority” in his hand and speak to the rock.

B.     To speak to the rock was all God commanded Moses to do.

1.      This would have shown Israel that the ‘rock’ having been previously smitten, now needs only to be addressed.

2.      Speaking to the ‘rock’ in faith would have caused the water to flow.

C.     This Rock typifies our Lord Jesus Christ.

1.      To smite the Rock the second time is the same as crucifying the Son of God afresh.

a.      Jesus was smitten once never to be smitten again

b.      To crucify again would mean His suffering was not enough.

c.       Note: His first suffering was His last for it was perfect.

d.      Hebrews 10:12,  9:28

D.    Jesus was crucified once at which time water poured from His belly.

1.      Now He sits at the right hand of God.

2.      The Holy Spirit proceeds from the throne to earth to speak to believers.

3.      This happens when believers speak to the Rock with praise and worship.

4.      To get ‘a drink’ we are not to crucify Him again, but need only to worship Him.

5.      As we ask we receive. Psalms 81:10

E.     Canaan is a type of the Kingdom of God.

1.      Moses was not allowed in because he smote the rock twice.

a.      He was not allowed in the Promised Land because of disobedience.

b.      How many today are not in their ‘promised land’ because of disobedience.

c.       Hebrews 6:4-9

2.      Moses was not cut off from God, just missed the fullness of God.

a.      As Moses was, we miss blessings because of disobedience.

b.      He had spent his life preparing for this event but missed it.

c.       We must learn the importance of obeying God from this event.


Conclusion: Glory!  There is a Fountain still flowing from our Jesus.  All we must do is to speak in faith and Jesus will hear. 

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